ASM (Association of Stories in Macao) is launching twelve books of literature on Friday April 29th at 5.30 pm at Fellows Corner, 5th Floor, Pearl Jubilee College, Block 3, University of Macau. The event is hosted by Prof. George Watt, the Head of Pearl Jubilee College of the Univeristy of Macau.

Throwing Words Together – 101 Poems-Making Exercises by Kit Kelen. This book is going to be launched by Prof. Agnes Lam from the Hong Kong University.
Pan Chai – a Filipino boy in Macau which is a selection of poems by a Filipino poet, Papa Osmubal, who has been living in Macao for more than twenty years. Consul Raul C. Dado, Philippine Government's Consul in Macao SAR, is going to launch this title.
Six Festival Tales (stories in English and Chinese) is written by Cheyenne Zhang who has been studying in the English Department at the University of Macao.
Snö och andra dikter (Snow and other poems) which are Kit Kelen’s poems translated into Swedish by Merima Dizdarević (current exchange student from Sweden) and Prof. Björn Sundmark.
A Ride in the Wolf's Eyes – Thirty New Macao Poets and The Mountains Sing Back and Other Stories are the collecitve efforts of the Creative Writing class of the University of Macao. Prof. John Corbett is invited to be the launcher of these two books.
Four young poets will read their works in their first chapbook of poetry, Crystal Wong Kit U – Sheltering With Other Ill Fish, Cora Chong – Balloons, Dodo Gao – Echoes in the Petals and Mary Wong – Thousand Miles of Skin. Chair Prof. Martin Montgomery, Head of the English Department of the University of Macau, is going to launch these titles by the former graduates and current postgraduate students of the English Department.
ASM is cooperating with the Cerberus Press of Australia to produce Pocket Poets, a series of poetry books. The first two titles are A Pocket Kit by Kit Kelen, which is a selection of Kelen’s essential poetical work, and Decline and Fall by Rae Desmond Jones, which is translated into Chinese by Hilda Tam Hio Man and Song Zijiang.
Preceding to the book launch, there is a public lecture by Prof. Agnes S. L. Lam from the University of Hong Kong. The lecture is about the literary phenomenon in Hong Kong and Macao that some authors choose to write in their additional language, English. It is held at the HG01 Lecture Hall of the University of Macau.

Throwing Words Together – 101 Poems-Making Exercises by Kit Kelen. This book is going to be launched by Prof. Agnes Lam from the Hong Kong University.
Pan Chai – a Filipino boy in Macau which is a selection of poems by a Filipino poet, Papa Osmubal, who has been living in Macao for more than twenty years. Consul Raul C. Dado, Philippine Government's Consul in Macao SAR, is going to launch this title.
Six Festival Tales (stories in English and Chinese) is written by Cheyenne Zhang who has been studying in the English Department at the University of Macao.
Snö och andra dikter (Snow and other poems) which are Kit Kelen’s poems translated into Swedish by Merima Dizdarević (current exchange student from Sweden) and Prof. Björn Sundmark.
A Ride in the Wolf's Eyes – Thirty New Macao Poets and The Mountains Sing Back and Other Stories are the collecitve efforts of the Creative Writing class of the University of Macao. Prof. John Corbett is invited to be the launcher of these two books.
Four young poets will read their works in their first chapbook of poetry, Crystal Wong Kit U – Sheltering With Other Ill Fish, Cora Chong – Balloons, Dodo Gao – Echoes in the Petals and Mary Wong – Thousand Miles of Skin. Chair Prof. Martin Montgomery, Head of the English Department of the University of Macau, is going to launch these titles by the former graduates and current postgraduate students of the English Department.
ASM is cooperating with the Cerberus Press of Australia to produce Pocket Poets, a series of poetry books. The first two titles are A Pocket Kit by Kit Kelen, which is a selection of Kelen’s essential poetical work, and Decline and Fall by Rae Desmond Jones, which is translated into Chinese by Hilda Tam Hio Man and Song Zijiang.
Preceding to the book launch, there is a public lecture by Prof. Agnes S. L. Lam from the University of Hong Kong. The lecture is about the literary phenomenon in Hong Kong and Macao that some authors choose to write in their additional language, English. It is held at the HG01 Lecture Hall of the University of Macau.