Essay Competition: Europe and India – a Reciprocal Way

03 March 2011
Essay Competition: Europe and India – a Reciprocal Way
Deadline: 4 April 2011


Contemporary India Study Centre Aarhus (CISCA), Aarhus University, Denmark together with Centre for Comparative European Union Studies (CCEUS), Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, India invites entries to India-EU Essay competition. Students of all Study Centres under India-EU Study Centres Programme (IESCP) are invited to participate in this essay competition. The best essay of an Indian student will be awarded with a one month stay at a European partner university of his home university; the best European student will have an opportunity to visit an Indian partner university for one month. The visits shall take place between beginning of June and mid of September 2011. If the number of interesting essays is sufficient enough, the best (around 20) will be published in a book.

· Theme: “Europe and India – a reciprocal way?”

· The length of an essay should not extend three pages; font: Times New Roman; font size: 12 point; line space: 1,15; words: 1500

· Dead line: April 4, 2011; 6 p.m. Indian Standard Time

· The papers of each centre have to be collected by the head of the centre. The head of the centre has to send all the papers as a zip file by email to:

· The head of the centre has to add a list with the names of the participating students and has to certify that the participants are studying at the Centre. Students of a Centre are those who are enrolled in a B.A.-, M.A. - or Phd- course offered by the Centre. The list with the signature of the head of the centre has to be sent as a scanned copy by email to and as a hard copy to ‘India-EU Study Centres Programme, 2B/1, Taj Apartments, Rao Tularam Marg,
New Delhi – 110022, India’.

· The essays will be evaluated by Indian and European peers till May 9, 2011 (Europe Day).

More information here.
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