Deadline Extended: Paper Monster Press's S/Trip-Hop Issue (Philippines/ worldwide)

20 March 2011
Deadline Extended: Paper Monster Press's S/Trip-Hop Issue (Philippines/ worldwide)
New Deadline: 30 March 2011

To begin Paper Monster's MYOOZIK Year with a bang, PMP is now officially welcoming contributions for its "S/TRIP HOP Issue".

It’s Paper Monster Press’s 3rd issue, its sexiest issue ever! Inspired by the trip-hop/ jazz genre, the 3rd issue aims to recreate/redefine/reword/record the lazy, s3xy, cool, ambiance of trip-hop and jazz. Think psychedelic, mystic, hallucinogenic, surreal, acid, funk, any way you lay it on, we’ll take a look at it.


1) Literary (not more than 500 words, submit 1-3 pieces in English or Filipino)

1. poetry
2. flash fiction
3. memoirs/ letters/ literary essays
4. notes/doodles
5. reviews of Paper Monster Press issue 1 and 2

2) Art (submit 1-3 pieces in colored or black and white)

1. Drawings/ paintings/ sculpture
2. Graffiti/ doodles
3. Pop-art, T-shirt art/ weaving
4. Skin-art/ tattoos
5. Dance shots/ fashion drawings

3) Sounds (submit 1-3 pieces in MP3 format)

General Guidelines:

1. All work must be submitted to

2. Every person/ group may submit 3 works ONLY from each category for this issue. That means you may submit 3 literary works, 3 pieces of art, and 3 sound tracks; but no more than that, to also give space and a chance to others.

3. If inspired by any trip-hop/ jazz work, kindly state the artist/ work from which your work sprang from.

4. Kindly cut and paste the text submission in the body of the e-mail, as well as providing an attachment.

5. Because we have editors, we follow the process of selection, and editing. We all stand by the decision of our editors. So please, don’t feel bad if you weren’t selected for this particular issue. Paper Monster Press is gonna make lots and lots more!

6. Deadline for this extended deadline: March 30, 2011.

7. Please feel free to share this with everybody.
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