Deadline: 20 March 2011
Paper Monster Press. New Sound/Art/Writing.
Things that are sexy
1. the way light gleams on eyes
2. poetry (and the way words conceal more than they reveal)
3. movement
4. people who read and the books they read
5. warm, sun-kissed skin that makes you think of bronze and copper
6. bright lights and falling objects
7. skin drums and the sound they make
8. veined hands
9. weird minds, strange minds
10. trip-hop and jazz (and isn’t Norah Jones’s voice, the laziest/sexiest ever?)
11. Paper Monster Press (oh yeah!)
To begin Paper Monster's MYOOZIK Year with a bang, PPM is now officially welcoming contributions for its "S/TRIP HOP Issue".
It’s Paper Monster Press’s 3rd issue, its sexiest issue ever! Inspired by the trip-hop genre, the 3rd issue aims to recreate/redefine/reword/record the lazy, sexy, cool, ambiance of trip-hop and jazz. Think psychedelic, mystic, hallucinogenic, surreal, acid, funk, any way you lay it on, we’ll take a look at it.
The Lowdown:
Trip hop is a downtempo music genre, a blend of electronica and hip-hop with psychedelic and jazzy textures. Paper Monster is inviting literary, visual and sound artists to contribute pieces that represent their personal interpretations of trip hop. We are looking for works that are thought-provoking, sexy, sensual, and deep. To get your grooves on, you may listen to PMP's favorite trip hop and jazz artists in the likes of Massive Attack, Portishead, Morcheeba, Mudville, Alpha, Tom Waits, Richard Havens and Digit-all love.
What we’re looking for: genre and trans-genre works, so if your work spans two or three genres, then go for it, we like blurring boundaries.
The theme is trip-hop and jazz, so the work must be loosely/ closely based on those genres of music. It may be a close conversation, or a post-mortem, or a remake, of one work of a group like Massive Attack, or a meditation on a lesser-known work like The night they drove old Dixie Down (Richard Havens). Having said that, the rest is up to you. Surprise us, weave work that we’ve never seen before, make us love trip-hop and jazz more, and we’ll likely publish your work.
Literary: poetry, words, literary essays, microfiction, critical essays, reviews of Paper Monster Press 1 and 2, and ekphrasis works, no work exceeding 500 words please. (Paper Monster Press is TINY!). Submit works in English or Filipino. At the moment, we do not have the capacity to read and/or translate other languages.
Art: photographs, painting, sculpture, fashion shots, weaving, skin art (tattoos), dance shots, etc. etc. We accept both colored and black or white art, but we’ll only have a colored cover, and the rest of the zine will be in black and white. Submit in JPEG format.
Sounds: Submit sounds that are surreal, weird, psychedelic, for the first issue of Paper Monster Press with a music CD.
1. All work must be submitted to
2. Every person may submit 3 works ONLY from each category for this issue. That means you may submit 3 literary works, 3 pieces of art, and 3 sound tracks; but no more than that, to also give space and a chance to others.
3. If inspired by any trip-hop/ jazz work, kindly state the artist/ work from which your work sprang from.
4. Ayn’s laptop is Buddhist, which means NO ATTACHMENTS on text submissions please.
5. Because we have editors, we follow the process of selection, and editing. We all stand by the decision of our editors. So please, don’t feel bad if you weren’t selected for this particular issue. Paper Monster Press is gonna make lots and lots more!
6. Deadline for this issue: March 20, 2011.
7. Please feel free to share this with everybody.
More information here.
Paper Monster Press. New Sound/Art/Writing.
Things that are sexy
1. the way light gleams on eyes
2. poetry (and the way words conceal more than they reveal)
3. movement
4. people who read and the books they read
5. warm, sun-kissed skin that makes you think of bronze and copper
6. bright lights and falling objects
7. skin drums and the sound they make
8. veined hands
9. weird minds, strange minds
10. trip-hop and jazz (and isn’t Norah Jones’s voice, the laziest/sexiest ever?)
11. Paper Monster Press (oh yeah!)
To begin Paper Monster's MYOOZIK Year with a bang, PPM is now officially welcoming contributions for its "S/TRIP HOP Issue".
It’s Paper Monster Press’s 3rd issue, its sexiest issue ever! Inspired by the trip-hop genre, the 3rd issue aims to recreate/redefine/reword/record the lazy, sexy, cool, ambiance of trip-hop and jazz. Think psychedelic, mystic, hallucinogenic, surreal, acid, funk, any way you lay it on, we’ll take a look at it.
The Lowdown:
Trip hop is a downtempo music genre, a blend of electronica and hip-hop with psychedelic and jazzy textures. Paper Monster is inviting literary, visual and sound artists to contribute pieces that represent their personal interpretations of trip hop. We are looking for works that are thought-provoking, sexy, sensual, and deep. To get your grooves on, you may listen to PMP's favorite trip hop and jazz artists in the likes of Massive Attack, Portishead, Morcheeba, Mudville, Alpha, Tom Waits, Richard Havens and Digit-all love.
What we’re looking for: genre and trans-genre works, so if your work spans two or three genres, then go for it, we like blurring boundaries.
The theme is trip-hop and jazz, so the work must be loosely/ closely based on those genres of music. It may be a close conversation, or a post-mortem, or a remake, of one work of a group like Massive Attack, or a meditation on a lesser-known work like The night they drove old Dixie Down (Richard Havens). Having said that, the rest is up to you. Surprise us, weave work that we’ve never seen before, make us love trip-hop and jazz more, and we’ll likely publish your work.
Literary: poetry, words, literary essays, microfiction, critical essays, reviews of Paper Monster Press 1 and 2, and ekphrasis works, no work exceeding 500 words please. (Paper Monster Press is TINY!). Submit works in English or Filipino. At the moment, we do not have the capacity to read and/or translate other languages.
Art: photographs, painting, sculpture, fashion shots, weaving, skin art (tattoos), dance shots, etc. etc. We accept both colored and black or white art, but we’ll only have a colored cover, and the rest of the zine will be in black and white. Submit in JPEG format.
Sounds: Submit sounds that are surreal, weird, psychedelic, for the first issue of Paper Monster Press with a music CD.
1. All work must be submitted to
2. Every person may submit 3 works ONLY from each category for this issue. That means you may submit 3 literary works, 3 pieces of art, and 3 sound tracks; but no more than that, to also give space and a chance to others.
3. If inspired by any trip-hop/ jazz work, kindly state the artist/ work from which your work sprang from.
4. Ayn’s laptop is Buddhist, which means NO ATTACHMENTS on text submissions please.
5. Because we have editors, we follow the process of selection, and editing. We all stand by the decision of our editors. So please, don’t feel bad if you weren’t selected for this particular issue. Paper Monster Press is gonna make lots and lots more!
6. Deadline for this issue: March 20, 2011.
7. Please feel free to share this with everybody.
More information here.