Call for Boy Love/ Yaoi Stories: Slashfest (Pink Narcissus Press)

12 March 2011
Call for Boy Love/ Yaoi Stories: Slashfest (Pink Narcissus Press)
Deadline: 15 May 2011

Call for submissions:

SLASHFEST (working title)

Boy Love, yaoi, original slash, gay fiction - or whatever you prefer to call a story involving boy-on-boy acti0n - is what we're seeking for our next anthology. This will be a two-volume series (the "vanilla" volume for stories which do not contain s3xually 3xplicit material, and the "lemon" volume for those which do) so all levels of er0tic h3at are acceptable. Make it h0t, but please keep in mind that plot, characterization, and quality of writing are more important to us than pure titillati0n.

There is no genre requirement. However, the editors do have preferences. Rose prefers her slashy stories in the sci-fi/fantasy genre. She is also fond of stories with hot vampires, s3xy rock-n-roll stars, and boys-as-pets. Josie prefers well-written, clever stuff. She basically wants Lady Gaga's video "Teeth" in written form featuring whoever the author wishes, which is to say, slightly ridiculous but super h0t in spite of itself.

We will consider stories of any length. However, characters and settings must be the original creation of the author - NO FANFIC.

The deadline for submissions for "Slashfest" is May 15, 2011. Please see above for more information about our submission guidelines.

By e-mail:

Electronic submissions preferred. No queries necessary for fiction. A brief cover letter may be included but is not necessary. We prefer a Word doc or RTF. If submitting a story, please include the title of the anthology to which you are submitting in the subject line of the e-mail. For longer works, please submit the entire manuscript. A synopsis (of any length) or outline of the work is appreciated. All submission materials, queries and questions may be sent to

Although we are focused on fiction, we may occasionally consider either short comics/manga or poetry. Please query first before submitting any comics/manga. Queries may be sent to

By snail mail:

We will also accept hard copies. Standard manuscript format is preferred. Please include an SASE with sufficient postage if you wish to have your manuscript returned, otherwise we will recycle it. (If you are submitting from outside the US please use International Reply Coupons (IRCs) available from your post office). If submitting a hard copy, please include a word count. Manuscripts and other correspondence may be sent to Pink Narcissus Press, PO Box 303, Auburn, MA, 01501.

Payment and rights

Upon acceptance, the publisher will enter into negotiations about payment and rights. For the anthologies, we generally ask for exclusive first print rights and first electronic rights. The publisher would also like to reserve the right to use the work for promotional purposes (such as an excerpt on the website or on other promotional materials such as bookmarks, posters, and other similar items). ALL rights revert back to the author six months from the date of publication.

For previously published stories, we ask for similar rights. Terms of payment are the same, we do not offer less for reprint rights.

In general, payment for stories will be in copies and shared royalties. The amount of the royalties will depend on the following factors: number of contributors per anthology and length of the work. Each contributor should expect to receive 1%-5% of net royalties. In reality, this may translate into no more than a token payment. For flash fiction (under 750 words) we generally pay a flat fee of .05 US cents per word upon acceptance.

At this time, Pink Narcissus (like most small presses) is not able to offer an advance payment for novellas or novels. Payment to authors will be in royalties only.

More information here.
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