Sejong Cultural Society 2011 Writing Competition (Korea)

05 February 2011
Sejong Cultural Society 2011 Writing Competition (Korea)
Deadline: 31 March 2011

Senior Division (grades 9-12)

Hwang Sun-won (1915-2000), one of Korea’s great 20th century writers of fiction, published "Cranes" in 1953, just as the Korean War ceasefire was coming into effect. The story has been seen and even criticized for being too optimistic - even naïve - about the possibilities for future reconciliation between the two Koreas.

Topic: In a carefully developed essay, point out those parts of the story that do seem to suggest the possibility or hope of future reconciliation between the two main characters and, by extension, the two Koreas. But noting that now, more than a half century later, hostile actions continue to occur while still there is no peace treaty, show how Hwang’s story might be read as a more complicated rendering of the situation on the Korean peninsula than naïvely optimistic.

"Cranes" by Hwang Sun-won, translated by David McCann (.pdf)

Further reading on the Korean War:
The Korean War (Essential Histories), Carter Malkasian
This Kind of War, T.R. Fehrenbach

Junior Division (grade 8 and younger)

Korea has a rich tradition of storytelling, and its folk tales reflect important aspects of its history and culture. Many of the old historical texts are full of local legends and myths. Folk tales can be entertaining and educational, but they can also strike a deep chord in our personal lives, and many Korean folk tales demonstrate the universal tragedies and triumphs of daily life in the family.

Topics: Each topic refers to the list of Korean folktales found on our folktales index page. When writing your essay, please be sure to include specific references to the tale you chose to write about. In your analysis or interpretation of the stories, you may also want to make references to your own life experiences.

1. Select one folk tale from the list and explain your interpretation of the story. What do you think it means? What is its importance? Why do you think it was created?
2. If you could change one of these folk tales, what would you change and why? Do you disagree with something the tale is trying to convey?
3. Which Korean folk tale character do you relate to best? Why? Would you make the same decisions as that character?


Divisions: Senior (grades 9-12) and junior (grade 8 and younger).


* Senior division: First ($500), Second ($400), Third ($300)
* Junior division: First ($300), Second ($200), Third ($100)
* Honorable mention - friends of Pacific Rim Awards ($50 each)
* Winners' works may be published in the Korea Times Chicago.


* Junior division students should refer to our folktales index when choosing a folktale to write about and select one of the stories listed there.
* Essays should be written in English.
* Essays must not exceed 1,000 words in length.
* The contestant’s name cannot be written in the entry.
* The entry should be typed as a Word document (.doc, .docx) or Rich Text Format (.rtf).
Essays should be written in 12pt Times New Roman font with 1-inch margins on all sides, 1.5 paragraph spacing, and a footer numbering pages as “page x of y”.
* One entry per student is permitted. (Students are permitted one essay and one sijo entry.)
* Entries and applications must be sent as individual email attachments to The subject of the email should be “Sejong Writing Competition Entry.” Entries and completed applications must be submitted together or they will not be accepted.
* No application fee.

We reserve the right to use all submitted pieces in future publications of the Sejong Cultural Society with no compensation to the authors. We reserve the right to not award any prizes.

Application Form

Application form (.doc)
Application form (.rtf)

Send your completed application and entry as email attachments to Please use "Sejong Writing Competition Entry" as the subject of your email.

Email address and phone number must be filled out.

Entries and completed applications must be submitted together or they will not be accepted.

By submitting your work, you agree to allow the Sejong Cultural Society to use your work in future publications or events without compensation or notice to the authors.

More information here.
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