Deadline: 31 March 2011 (extended from 14 January 2011)
Paint a story & say it with colours!
Katha announces the

A worldwide search for excellence in children’s book illustrations.
For ideas that are fresh, irresistible, enduring … And can inspire children to be lifelong readers!
Grand Prize: Rs 100001, a citation and publication by Katha
Runner-up Prize and lots more…
The Katha Chitrakala Award recognizes exemplary children’s book illustrations and ideas that are fresh, powerful and unique, and have the potential to keep young readers engaged and turn them towards lifelong reading. The contest is open to everyone worldwide. You can illustrate your own story, team up with a writer, or write to or for a Katha story to illustrate.
Laureates chosen for the final round will be announced in February 2011. Their names will also be posted on
All laureates will be invited to submit their complete artworks, story and layout to Katha by 30 June 2011. From these the teams for award of Grand Prize and Runner-up Prize will be chosen. The awards will be presented to the Grand Winner Team and the other laureates at a gala ceremony at Delhi.
Last date for submission of entries: 31 March 2011
* Works submitted should be original and should not have been published in any form previously.
* Each participant or team can submit a maximum of two entries.
* Each entry should be a standalone work of art without being dependent on any other media for its enjoyment and appreciation.
* Each entry should comprise the full story and at least three or more illustrations for it.
* The illustrations should be suitable for a book of 11″ x 8.5″ size.
* Entries should not violate any existing copyright norm.
* Entries should be submitted: (i) in the form of original work on paper and (ii) on CD-ROM.
* Entries without completely filled-out registration forms will be considered invalid.
* There is no entry fee for teams residing within Asia, Africa and Latin America.
* The entry fee for applicants living in Australia, Canada, Europe and USA is US$ 35. Please send your registration forms along with a demand draft made in favour of Katha.
* The contest is open to all picture/story book enthusiasts keen on reaching out to children.
* Each work will be considered for its appeal and relevance to children of diverse socio-economic, cultural and linguistic backgrounds, aged 2-8 years.
* You can illustrate your own story, team up with a writer, or ask us for a Katha story to illustrate for which Katha holds the copyright.
* If an illustrator-writer team wins, the prize will be awarded to the team, to be shared as they please.
* All entries will be judged on an equal basis. No special preference will be given to Katha stories.
* Eminent artists are handpicked to serve as the jury for the Katha Chitrakala Award.
* The selection process is eclectic and rigorous and rests solely on the quality of the work, its ability to speak to a child and to draw him/her to the joy of reading.
* The decision of the jury will be final and binding.
* Katha is looking for contemporary stories that are upbeat and highly ethical. We are not looking for stories that are didactic, overly moral or that talk down to the child.
* Any genre is welcome, but we especially like stories that are fun and show a deep understanding of the human predicament – a story that can deeply move and are good reads. They should appeal to children between 3-8 years.
* Mysteries, detective stories, fantasies and science fiction, for the 5-8 year olds are welcome!
* We like the perennial favourites, stories about animals, birds and nature that do not humanize nature.
* Please avoid common and oft-told folktales.
* The story should have a strong Indian theme and portray nature, peoples and cultures, thus helping the reader culturelink across the narrowing walls of regionalism. The reader’s understanding of the world around her and the rich diversity that is India should be enhanced by the book.
Send in your entries with filled-out registration forms to
KATHA . A3 Sarvodaya Enclave . Sri Aurobindo Marg . New Delhi . 110017
ph . (91-11) 4141 6621 . 4141 6637 . 4141 6600 . Fax . (91-11) 2651 4373
Email: . . Website:
All works will be returned to their owners after the awards. Artworks for the winning entries will be returned after the books are published. Please enclose a self-addressed stamped envelope (SASE) of suitable size. Katha will not take responsibility for the return of artwork not so accompanied.
Winning works from among the entries will be released as books.
More information here.
Paint a story & say it with colours!
Katha announces the

A worldwide search for excellence in children’s book illustrations.
For ideas that are fresh, irresistible, enduring … And can inspire children to be lifelong readers!
Grand Prize: Rs 100001, a citation and publication by Katha
Runner-up Prize and lots more…
The Katha Chitrakala Award recognizes exemplary children’s book illustrations and ideas that are fresh, powerful and unique, and have the potential to keep young readers engaged and turn them towards lifelong reading. The contest is open to everyone worldwide. You can illustrate your own story, team up with a writer, or write to or for a Katha story to illustrate.
Laureates chosen for the final round will be announced in February 2011. Their names will also be posted on
All laureates will be invited to submit their complete artworks, story and layout to Katha by 30 June 2011. From these the teams for award of Grand Prize and Runner-up Prize will be chosen. The awards will be presented to the Grand Winner Team and the other laureates at a gala ceremony at Delhi.
Last date for submission of entries: 31 March 2011
* Works submitted should be original and should not have been published in any form previously.
* Each participant or team can submit a maximum of two entries.
* Each entry should be a standalone work of art without being dependent on any other media for its enjoyment and appreciation.
* Each entry should comprise the full story and at least three or more illustrations for it.
* The illustrations should be suitable for a book of 11″ x 8.5″ size.
* Entries should not violate any existing copyright norm.
* Entries should be submitted: (i) in the form of original work on paper and (ii) on CD-ROM.
* Entries without completely filled-out registration forms will be considered invalid.
* There is no entry fee for teams residing within Asia, Africa and Latin America.
* The entry fee for applicants living in Australia, Canada, Europe and USA is US$ 35. Please send your registration forms along with a demand draft made in favour of Katha.
* The contest is open to all picture/story book enthusiasts keen on reaching out to children.
* Each work will be considered for its appeal and relevance to children of diverse socio-economic, cultural and linguistic backgrounds, aged 2-8 years.
* You can illustrate your own story, team up with a writer, or ask us for a Katha story to illustrate for which Katha holds the copyright.
* If an illustrator-writer team wins, the prize will be awarded to the team, to be shared as they please.
* All entries will be judged on an equal basis. No special preference will be given to Katha stories.
* Eminent artists are handpicked to serve as the jury for the Katha Chitrakala Award.
* The selection process is eclectic and rigorous and rests solely on the quality of the work, its ability to speak to a child and to draw him/her to the joy of reading.
* The decision of the jury will be final and binding.
* Katha is looking for contemporary stories that are upbeat and highly ethical. We are not looking for stories that are didactic, overly moral or that talk down to the child.
* Any genre is welcome, but we especially like stories that are fun and show a deep understanding of the human predicament – a story that can deeply move and are good reads. They should appeal to children between 3-8 years.
* Mysteries, detective stories, fantasies and science fiction, for the 5-8 year olds are welcome!
* We like the perennial favourites, stories about animals, birds and nature that do not humanize nature.
* Please avoid common and oft-told folktales.
* The story should have a strong Indian theme and portray nature, peoples and cultures, thus helping the reader culturelink across the narrowing walls of regionalism. The reader’s understanding of the world around her and the rich diversity that is India should be enhanced by the book.
Send in your entries with filled-out registration forms to
KATHA . A3 Sarvodaya Enclave . Sri Aurobindo Marg . New Delhi . 110017
ph . (91-11) 4141 6621 . 4141 6637 . 4141 6600 . Fax . (91-11) 2651 4373
Email: . . Website:
All works will be returned to their owners after the awards. Artworks for the winning entries will be returned after the books are published. Please enclose a self-addressed stamped envelope (SASE) of suitable size. Katha will not take responsibility for the return of artwork not so accompanied.
Winning works from among the entries will be released as books.
More information here.