Job Opening: Copy Editor for The Cambodia Daily

13 February 2011
Job Opening: Copy Editor for The Cambodia Daily
Deadline: 17 March 2011

Location: Phnom Penh, Asia

The CAMBODIA DAILY, an independent English-language newspaper in Phnom Penh, seeks an experienced copy editor and reporter (minimum two years experience on a US print daily). This is an unusual opportunity to contribute to a newspaper in a fragile democracy ( Ideal candidates should have a sense of adventure, prepared to commit for one/two years, work in close partnership with Cambodian staff and lead by example in furthering a free press. Knowledge of QuarkXpress is an advantage.

Pay is modest ($10,000 the first year), but includes comfortable housing in a beautiful villa with cleaning and laundry service, free medical care and four weeks annual vacation. We don't just run a newspaper but assist in the rehabilitation of Cambodia. Our alumni now have positions at major international media.

Fax or email cover letter and resume to Bernard Krisher, fax: 1-212-658-9419. email: (with copy to

More information here.
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