Featured Poem: Those Sepia Tones by Suneetha Bala

01 February 2011
Featured Poem: Those Sepia Tones by Suneetha Bala
Those Sepia Tones

why do I feel now that laughter does not
become you, does gravity suit you better?
the grey locks speak a language I almost
admire, how deep your sound bytes come
across the TV screens

how your bass delights still and warms a
silent word that yearns to spill from a moody
mind, it did hide face once till the dust died
upon the road where you drove away in a
gathering storm

distances do not make us forget all, yet
the memories, do they fade? I see them in
sepia tones like those old photographs.
perhaps they do live, when they really don't.

Suneetha is an independent journalist, bilingual translator and writer from India. She writes fiction and poetry in both English and Malayalam.
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