Our goal is to spotlight colored writers of various ethnic and cultural backgrounds in the fields of poetry, fiction, and creative non-fiction; professionally published or seldom seen; international or from around-the-way; writers who 'bask in the glow' or 'lay under rocks' - if you fall under any of these categories, then we are here to let you represent yourself!

• Submissions accepted year round, but know that reading periods are generally closed from 2 to 3 months following submission deadlines.
• Manuscripts must be typed or printed in proper format on white paper, in English, one side only, double-spaced for prose. Cover letters should be brief.
• Fiction and creative nonfiction manuscripts must be limited to 5,000 words. Novel and memoir excerpts are acceptable.
• Poetry submissions will be limited to up to five poems, twenty pages total.
• Simultaneous submissions are acceptable. Please notify us immediately if something has been accepted elsewhere.
• Entrants may submit only one submission per category until you have been notified of acceptance or non-acceptance of submitted material.
• Please note genre of your submission in the cover letter (fiction, poetry or CNF).
• Please include a SASE for results. Manuscripts will be recycled and will not be returned.
• Payment is in 1 copy of the issue in which the author's work appears.
Submissions are accepted all year round; acceptance deliberations may take 2-4 months. Please send inquiries by way of email if you have questions or concerns.
Submissions should be sent appropriately via snail mail to:
ATTN: Poetry Editor
or ATTN: Fiction/CNF Editor
Mythium Literary Journal
1428 N. Forbes Rd
Lexington, Ky 40511
ONLY ATTACHED WORD PROCESSING FILES (DOC/TXT/WORD/PAGES/etc.,) WILL BE ACCEPTED! Please, Do not send manuscripts or poems in the body of your email! Poets, please send each individual poem as its own digital file!!! No single file attachments with multiple submissions!
Mail all electronic poetry submissions to poetry@mythiumlitmag.com
Mail all electronic fiction/creative non-fiction submissions to fiction@mythiumlitmag.com
Direct all other questions/non-submissions to editor@mythiumlitmag.com
More information here.
• Submissions accepted year round, but know that reading periods are generally closed from 2 to 3 months following submission deadlines.
• Manuscripts must be typed or printed in proper format on white paper, in English, one side only, double-spaced for prose. Cover letters should be brief.
• Fiction and creative nonfiction manuscripts must be limited to 5,000 words. Novel and memoir excerpts are acceptable.
• Poetry submissions will be limited to up to five poems, twenty pages total.
• Simultaneous submissions are acceptable. Please notify us immediately if something has been accepted elsewhere.
• Entrants may submit only one submission per category until you have been notified of acceptance or non-acceptance of submitted material.
• Please note genre of your submission in the cover letter (fiction, poetry or CNF).
• Please include a SASE for results. Manuscripts will be recycled and will not be returned.
• Payment is in 1 copy of the issue in which the author's work appears.
Submissions are accepted all year round; acceptance deliberations may take 2-4 months. Please send inquiries by way of email if you have questions or concerns.
Submissions should be sent appropriately via snail mail to:
ATTN: Poetry Editor
or ATTN: Fiction/CNF Editor
Mythium Literary Journal
1428 N. Forbes Rd
Lexington, Ky 40511
ONLY ATTACHED WORD PROCESSING FILES (DOC/TXT/WORD/PAGES/etc.,) WILL BE ACCEPTED! Please, Do not send manuscripts or poems in the body of your email! Poets, please send each individual poem as its own digital file!!! No single file attachments with multiple submissions!
Mail all electronic poetry submissions to poetry@mythiumlitmag.com
Mail all electronic fiction/creative non-fiction submissions to fiction@mythiumlitmag.com
Direct all other questions/non-submissions to editor@mythiumlitmag.com
More information here.