Call for Papers: Smart Asia Issue of Asia Design Journal

14 February 2011
Call for Papers: Smart Asia Issue of Asia Design Journal
Deadline: 15 March 2011

Korean Design Research Institute (KDRI) Invites Papers for ASIA DESIGN JOURNAL (ADJ) 2011. ADJ hopes to explore new Asian concepts each year through papers on multi-interdisciplinary topics,including culture, social science, literature, engineering, management, liberal arts and design, which deal with Asian culture and design.

The theme of ADJ in 2011 is ‘Smart Asia’. We are living in a digital world now. The digital technology has soaked into our life all around, making our living much easier. Likewise, contemporary Asian design which has been developed on the basis of the artisan's spirit and traditional culture stands out prominently as its traditional sagacity is appreciated. Based on the expanded concept of ‘smartness’ along our digital time, on the 6th issue of ADJ in 2011 we would like to explore such themes: the sensible way of Asia discovered from Asian culture and design, the unique and wise design interpretation and method of Asia which is been developed along with the Smart Age, and the social system for the clever Asian way of living.

Please be aware that the KDRI is a non-profit organization and cannot provide payment for papers submitted. As KDRI evolves, a plan to provide remuneration will be established. Until then, we appreciate your understanding for any inconvenience regarding this matter.

1. Subject : Smart Asia

2. Scope of papers

• Asian design examples (sample cases, policy, strategy, education, etc.)
- Design examples which developed the idea of each country’s identity (tradition)
- Design examples of Smart IT in Asia
• Research on related studies
(social science, psychology, anthropology, natural science, culture, etc.)
- Design researches related to the subject whose topic scope is bound to Asia
• Design theory (history, discourse, principle theory and method, etc.)
- History and tradition of each country related to the subject

3. Schedule & Deadlines for submission

• 15 March 2011: 1st submission of the abstract papers
• 15 April 2011: Contact the authors regarding acceptance of the abstract papers
• 15 May 2011: 2nd submission of the full papers (1st accepted applicants)
• 15 June 2011: Contact the authors regarding acceptance of the full papers
• September 2011: Asia Design Journal 2011 Publication (scheduled)

While the copyright of the papers, including image data and annotation, are reserved by the author(s), the editing and publishing right of Asia Design Journal belongs to KDRI. Any disputes or claims concerning the copyright of any content of the papers are the sole responsibility of the author(s), and the Asia Design Journal shall have no relevance in such cases.

Contact Soojung YOO (youandyoo for questions.

More information here.
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