Call for Papers: The Reading Association of the Philippines Annual Summer Convention

05 February 2011
Call for Papers: The Reading Association of the Philippines Annual Summer Convention
Deadline: 16 February 2011

Reading Association of the Philippines
National Affiliate of the International Reading Association
3rd Floor National Library Building, TM Kalaw St., Manila

The Reading Association of the Philippines (RAP) is pleased to announce its forthcoming 2011 Annual Summer Convention to be held at Our Lady of Peace School (OLPS) in Antipolo City, Rizal on April 6-8, 2011. This convention of RAP members and reading teachers/professors in Filipino and English will focus on the theme: LITERACY ACROSS AGES. Dr. Maryann Manning, Director of the International Reading Association (IRA) will serve as this year’s featured speaker. Her topics of interest are Reading Comprehension, Beginning Reading, and Teacher Education. Noted experts and specialists on reading and reading education in the country will also be featured during plenary sessions.

Call for Papers

To enrich the experience of participants, the RAP enjoins academics, researchers, advocates, and teachers of both Filipino and English to submit proposals for presentations during the parallel sessions. Through this, the RAP aims to bring together practitioners in reading education, readership, methods and strategies in teaching reading, language and literature from various parts of the country to share their research studies and best practices.

1. Paper Presentation

This will be given a 40-minute time allotment, which will include a 35-minute oral presentation and a 5-minute open forum. Each session will have two presentations.

2. Demonstration Lesson/Workshop
This will be given an 85-minute time allotment, which will include a 75-minute oral presentation and a 10-minute open forum.

3. Poster
This will be mounted on a 4ft x 5ft board and its presentation will be given a 25-minute time allotment.

Format of Proposal

I. Title of Presentation:
II. Strand:
III. Presentation Format:
IV. Target Audience:
V. Proponent/s (maximum of 2) and Contact Information:

A. Name/s:

B. Institutional Affiliation/s:

C. Mailing and/or Email Address/es:

D. Telephone/Fax/Mobile Number/s:

VI. Abstract:

The abstract should follow these specifications: maximum of 300 words, encoded single-spaced using Arial 12, on 8.5” x 11” paper with 1” margin all over.

If the proposal is in connection to a particular lesson/strategy/activity, the abstract should include the following: theoretical underpinnings, objectives, subject matter, procedure, and (where applicable) assessment.

If the proposal is in connection to a particular research/study, the abstract should include the following: introduction, aims, research question/s or problem/s, methodology, results, conclusions, and recommendations.


The deadline for the submission of proposals is on 16 February 2011. Notification of acceptance/rejection will be given on February 21, 2011. Proposals may be submitted to the RAP 2011 Annual Summer Convention Conference Co-Chair, Prof. Portia P. Padilla, College of Education - University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City or through email address: (cc:

Proponents of accepted proposals have to signify their intent to present not later than February 28, 2011 and submit their papers/handouts not later than March 7, 2011. Failure to comply with these disqualifies the proponent/s from presenting. A maximum of two presenters per presentation will be given free registration in the convention but will have to take care of their transportation and accommodation


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