Call for Entries: The RS170,000 Biodiesel Essay Competition (India)

27 February 2011
Call for Entries: The RS170,000 Biodiesel Essay Competition (India)
Deadline: 31 July 2011

We, at CJP firmly believe that biodiesel can reduce dependence on petroleum fuels, address climate change and boost domestic economy. Biodiesel from a variety of non food crops can meet contemporary needs for environmental stewardship, economic prosperity, and quality of life without compromising the need of future generations. Scientific advancements and research can help the potential of this vital sector in meeting food, feed, fiber, and energy needs of the future. CJP has always been exploring innovative strategies to propagate the importance and relevance of biodiesel among the youth community and has been looking forward for participation of young people in the pursuit of pushing biodiesel on the forefront in national economy and energy scenario. As a part of its social responsibility, CJP firmly believes that youth- who have the potential to propel this country to excellence- would be the main stimulus in bringing biodiesel and sustainable development on the top most agenda of policy makers for all round development and empowerment of the rural community.

It is in this context, CJP is pleased to announce the 2011 "BIODIESEL" Essay Competition.
We call upon to provide the much desired ‘push’ which is essentially required for this vital sector.
As the leaders of tomorrow, it is your vision and unconditional support which is essentially required for betterment of this world and providing solution to most of the problems which mankind face today.

As the young community today is able to take any challenge; use your knowledge and research skills, and bring out all your ideas and thoughts that may help our mother earth being saved from environmental squalor by meeting its energy needs in a carbon neutral manner.
This contest is an opportunity for all of you to exhibit your understanding and knowledge about mother earth and how a practical solution can be formulated to help all its habitants. In the wake of a plethora of environmental disasters which our world faces today, we have never been more so hard-pressed to find a solution to the damage already done. Now, it is your time to become a part of the solution. What should be done? That\'s the question and you must answer this.
The program is open to any youth who may be studying in schools, college or university or in profession. The program is not limited to only those who are related to different supply chain of biofuel.

To participate in the scholarship contest, applicants are required to write an essay on any aspect of biodiesel in not more tan 1500 words. Students are free to choose their own topics, or they may write on any one of the following topics as envisaged for the program:

1. Biodiesel – A route for sustainable development
2. Opportunities and challenges of biodiesel as a promising solution for energy security
3. Socio-economic impact of biodiesel in your area

�Essay Writing Contest - Rules:


The contest is an open competition aimed at promoting the role of youth in attaining energy security through sustainable solutions such as biodiesel while preserving the ecosystem. It aims at large scale contribution of young generation to propel ‘clean’ fuels and its impact on different sectors. The contest will provide a platform for the young generation to put forward their ideas and innovative solutions for meeting future energy needs.


Entry would be accepted from individuals having age from 16-35 years, who may be a student in schools/colleges/university or pursuing any other profession. Essay must be an original work and should not have been published print or online. A person can only submit one entry.

An entry must have the following:

* Application form with passport size photo along with registration fees
* Your brief sketch highlighting career objectives and pursuits
* Identity proof

Criteria for judging

There shall be two levels of review by a panel of experts and the criteria to be adopted by the experts are as follows:

* Concept and novelty of topic 30%
* Substance 40%
* Writing style and clarity of points 30%

*For the top 10 entries, a special interaction would be arranged with the panel of experts. The interaction would include a presentation on the topic and subsequent group discussion.
Registration is pre-requisite to participate in the contest. The details of prizes, procedure for registration and the registration form is given in subsequent portion. Entry without registration fee shall not be considered

Important Dates

Launch of Competition/Registration begins: March 1, 2011
Deadline of Submission of entries: July 31, 2011
Notification of winner: September 14, 2011
Address for Submission of Entries: by post

Online Submissions:
Enquiries about the Contest: or 09829423333


* First Grand Award Winner -- RS. 100, 000 plus trophy
* Second Grand Award Winner - RS. 51,000 plus trophy�
* Third �Grand Award Winner - RS. 21,000 plus trophy
* Certificate of honor would be awarded to the next 7 top participants along with a cash prize of 2100 each.

How to register and pay registration fee?

A signed copy of the Registration Form should be sent as either as scanned copy by e-mail or through speed post so as to reach on or before July 31, 2011 along with registration fee. The payment should be made to the CJP either by DD/e-transfer. Participants are encouraged to register and make his/her payment online to CJP BD, A/C No. 03482560002855, HDFC Bank, Jaipur and send transaction details at e-mail address: for confirmation of receipt of the amount. An Id would be allotted upon receipt of registration form with fees and should be quoted for any further reference. Please only registered participants can participate, so get registered as soon as possible To apply for the Competition, please complete the form and submit via speed post or send through mail.

More information here.
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