Deadline: 30 April 2011
Note: the 61st Palanca Awards are also open to novel/nobela category submissions.
1. The contest is open from 01 January 2011 until 30 April 2011 to all Filipino citizens, or former Filipino citizens, of all ages except current officers and employees of the Carlos Palanca Foundation, Inc. (the Sponsor).
2. The contest has the following divisions and categories:
3. In the SHORT STORY / SHORT STORY (CEBUANO, HILIGAYNON, ILUKO) / MAIKLING KUWENTO / categories, an entry must be at least ten (10) but not more than twenty-five (25) typewritten pages. The theme is open and free and the entry must include a one-page synopsis.
4. In the SHORT STORY FOR CHILDREN / MAIKLING KUWENTONG PAMBATA categories, an entry must be not more than ten (10) typewritten pages. It may deal with any subject, must be within the grade-school reading level of children ages 7-12, and the entry must include a one-page synopsis.
5. In the ESSAY / SANAYSAY categories, an entry should be at least ten (10) but not more than twenty-five (25) typewritten pages. The category is open only to informal (personal) essays.
6. In the POETRY / TULA categories, an entry must consist of a collection of at least ten (10) but not more than fifteen (15) poems.
7. In the POETRY FOR CHILDREN / TULANG PAMBATA categories, an entry must consist of a collection of at least ten (10) but not more than fifteen (15) poems. It may deal with any subject and must be comprehensible within the grade-school reading level of children ages 6-12, and can be appreciated in its oral form by younger children.
8. In the ONE-ACT PLAY / DULANG MAY ISANG YUGTO categories, an entry must be of sufficient length to approximate a performance time of forty-five (45) minutes. The theme is open and free and the entry must include a one-page synopsis.
9. In the FULL-LENGTH PLAY / DULANG GANAP ANG HABA categories, an entry must consist of two (2) or more acts and the entry must include a one-page synopsis.
10. In the DULANG PAMPELIKULA category, the entry must be a script for a full-length film with a running time of approximately two (2) hours. The theme is open and free and the entry must include a one-page synopsis.
11. In the NOVEL / NOBELA categories, the theme is open and free. There is no limit as to the number of pages of the entry but the entry must include a one-page synopsis.
12. The KABATAAN ESSAY / KABATAAN SANAYSAY are special categories open to persons below 18 years of age. It is open only to informal (personal) essays. The theme for this year is: (to be announced). An entry must be at least four (4) but not more than five (5) typewritten pages, and must carry an original title.
13. The KABATAAN AWARD OF DISTINCTION is awarded to Palanca awardees who have won four (4) first prizes in the KABATAAN ESSAY. First prize awards in the special youth category shall not be counted for purposes of the Hall of Fame Award.
14. a. Authors may submit only one (1) entry per category.
b. An entry or excerpt thereof, may only be submitted in one (1) category and may not be entered in any other category.
c. A translation of an entry submitted in one (1) division shall not be eligible in any other division.
15. A work which has been awarded a prize in another contest before 12:00 m.n. of 30 April 2011 is not qualified for the awards.
16. Published/produced works which were first published or first produced between 1 May 2010 to 30 April 2011 and/or unpublished/unproduced works, may be entered in the contest, except in the DULANG PAMPELIKULA category where only unproduced works may be entered.
17. Each entry must be typewritten or computerized, double – spaced on 8 ½ X 11 inches bond paper, with approximately one-inch margin on all sides. The page number must be typed consecutively e.g. 1 of 30, 2 of 30 and so on at the center of the bottom margin of each page. If computerized, the font should be Arial, Times New Roman or Book Antiqua and the font size should be 12. The author’s real name and address must only appear in the Official Entry Form and the Authorization Form and must not appear on the entry. The following documents must be sealed inside an 8.5” x 13” brown envelope for entries not submitted through the website: (a) the duly accomplished Official Entry Form, (b) Authorization Form (The Authorization Form must be notarized for local entries, (c) Consent, if applicable, (d) an original and three (3) copies of the entry, (e) a digital copy of the entry, and (f) the author’s full résumé. Only the title of the entry, category, and division should be written or typed on the envelope. Entries from abroad need not be notarized but if an entry from abroad wins, then the Authorization Form must be authenticated by the Philippine Embassy or Consulate and submitted to the CPMA Office on or before 31 August of the contest year in order to qualify.
18. All entries (except Novel) submitted through the website should be in a Word Document File and should be sent as an attachment together with scanned copies of the following: (a) duly accomplished Official Entry Form, (b) notarized Authorization Form, (c) Consent, if applicable, and (d) the author’s full résumé. The time of transmission should be NOT LATER THAN 12:00 m.n. of 30 APRIL 2011. An entry will only be considered submitted if official confirmation is received through the website or by the CPMA administration. An envelope containing the original signed requirements listed in Rule 17(a) (b) and (c) above should then be sent to the CARLOS PALANCA FOUNDATION, INC. by mail or courier and postmarked not later than 30 April 2011.
19. In submitting an entry, a contestant represents and warrants that the work is his own and that he has absolute ownership of all intellectual property rights thereto. If the entry is an adaptation of another author’s existing work, the contestant shall submit to the Foundation the written consent of the author of the existing work, allowing the contestant to adapt the work, and to enter the adaptation in the contest (the Consent). The Consent shall include a clear and categorical statement that the Foundation shall be exempt from any and all liability in the event that the adaptation is said to infringe the intellectual property rights of the author of the existing work. The Consent must be notarized and, if executed outside the Philippines, should be authenticated by the Philippine Embassy or consulate. The contestant shall also sign the Consent and attach the same to the Official Entry Form/Authorization Form.
20. Entries submitted must comply with government policies on printed matters. Submitted copies of winning entries shall remain with, and become the property of, the Carlos Palanca Foundation, Inc. Submitted copies of non-winning entries may be claimed by the authors not later than six (6) months from the date of announcement of winners.
21. In order to give public access to the winning works, the author hereby grants, assigns, and transfers unto the Sponsor, the right without necessity of any payment other than the prize which may have been awarded: to publish from time to time any winning entry or selection or portion thereof as it may at its discretion determine; to designate or appoint editors to edit the work or any portion thereof to suit the demands of publication; to furnish a reasonable number of copies of all winning works to the National Library or other libraries; to make the works available for downloading on the Internet or other electronic media; and/or to allow students to make copies for research or in connection with their school requirements. In the One-act Play, Full-length Play, and Dulang Pampelikula categories, the Sponsor shall also have the right to produce, or authorize the production of, and/or carry out the staging, telecasting, broadcasting, cinema, video streaming, and/or other forms of exhibition whether over the Internet, through other electronic media, or on site, from time to time, of any winning entry or selection or portion thereof as it may in its discretion determine. The Sponsor shall also have the right to appoint or designate editors or directors who may edit the work or any portion thereof to suit the demands of production or exhibition.
To promote Philippine Literature in the modern world of information technology, the Sponsor intends to make the winning entries accessible through the internet or other electronic media, to serve as a literary archive of the contest. The website or other media to be established for this purpose shall be a repository of the award-winning works, recording the history of the development of Philippine literature over the years through the Palanca Awards. In making the works thus available to interested researchers and students of Philippine literature, the Sponsor intends purely to promote literary appreciation for and public awareness of such works, and not to commercially exploit the same. Authors must indicate on the Official Entry Form whether they want their works included on the CPMA website and made available for downloading by the public for free in the event that such works win an award. To encourage use for educational purposes, works shall be posted on the website in their entirety. Should any winning author subsequently instruct the Sponsor in writing to include or remove the work from the Internet archive, such instruction will be honored and the work shall be included or removed from the Internet archive within a reasonable time from Sponsor’s receipt of the author’s written instructions.
22. In connection with the grant, assignment, or transfer to the Sponsor of the right of publication, re-publication, production, reproduction or exhibition as stated in paragraph 22 of these rules, and pursuant to the requirements of R.A. No. 8293, entries must be accompanied by the author’s written consent to abide by the rules of the contest acknowledged before a Notary Public. In case of minors, particularly with respect to the Kabataan Essay category, the written consent of the parents or legal guardians shall also be required. The Authorization Form and Official Entry Form are available at the Carlos Palanca Foundation, Inc. office or through the website.
The exercise of the above rights by the Sponsor shall not be deemed a waiver of any right of action which the Sponsor of this contest may have against the contestant, if it may be discovered later on that said person is not the creator or owner of the copyright to the award-winning work. Moreover, the contestant likewise undertakes to indemnify the Sponsor for any and all damages, fees, costs and expenses that the Sponsor may incur by reason of the infringement by the contestant of the intellectual property rights of another.
23. The prizes, in Philippine Pesos (Php), for each contest category are the following:
a. Short Story / Maikling Kuwento / Regional Languages (Hiligaynon, Iluko, Cebuano)
First prize: 15,000.00
Second prize: 10,000.00
Third prize: 8,000.00
b. Poetry, Essay, One–act Play, Short Story for Children, Poetry for Children /
Tula, Sanaysay, Dulang may Isang Yugto, Maikling Kuwentong Pambata, Tulang Pambata
First prize: 15,000.00
Second prize: 10,000.00
Third prize: 8,000.00
c. Full-length Play / Dulang Ganap ang Haba
First prize: 20,000.00
Second prize: 12,000.00
Third prize: 8,000.00
d. Dulang Pampelikula
First prize: 30,000.00
Second prize: 15,000.00
Third prize: 12,000.00
e. Kabataan Essay / Kabataan Sanaysay
First prize: 8,000.00
Second prize: 5,000.00
Third prize: 3,000.00
f. Novel / Nobela
Grand prize: 40,000.00
(The school/s of the student/s winning the first prize in the Kabataan Essay will receive a cash prize of Php 5,000.00)
24. The Sponsor has the sole right to designate the persons who shall constitute the Board of Judges in each of the contest categories. The decision of the majority of the Board of Judges in all categories shall be final.
25. The Board of Judges shall declare only one winner for each prize listed in Rule 24. There shall be no co-winners and/or splitting of the prize money. The Board of Judges shall have the discretion not to award any prize if, in its judgment, no meritorious entry has been submitted.
26. The names of the winners and the members of the Board of Judges shall be announced on 1 September 2011.
27. All parties submitting entries are deemed to have accepted the rules of the contest, and agree to abide thereby.
Contest Deliverables:
CPMA Rules for 2011 Contest >>
CPMA Official Entry Form >>
CPMA Authorization >>
More information here.
Note: the 61st Palanca Awards are also open to novel/nobela category submissions.
1. The contest is open from 01 January 2011 until 30 April 2011 to all Filipino citizens, or former Filipino citizens, of all ages except current officers and employees of the Carlos Palanca Foundation, Inc. (the Sponsor).
2. The contest has the following divisions and categories:
- English Division Filipino Division Regional Languages Division Kabataan Division
- Short Story Maikling Kuwento Short Story-Cebuano Kabataan Essay
- Short Story for Children Maikling Kuwentong Pambata Short Story-Hiligaynon Kabataan Sanaysay
- Essay Sanaysay Short Story-Iluko
- Poetry Tula
- Poetry for Children Tulang Pambata
- One-act Play Dulang May Isang Yugto
- Full-length Play Dulang Ganap ang Haba
- Novel Dulang Pampelikula
- Nobela
3. In the SHORT STORY / SHORT STORY (CEBUANO, HILIGAYNON, ILUKO) / MAIKLING KUWENTO / categories, an entry must be at least ten (10) but not more than twenty-five (25) typewritten pages. The theme is open and free and the entry must include a one-page synopsis.
4. In the SHORT STORY FOR CHILDREN / MAIKLING KUWENTONG PAMBATA categories, an entry must be not more than ten (10) typewritten pages. It may deal with any subject, must be within the grade-school reading level of children ages 7-12, and the entry must include a one-page synopsis.
5. In the ESSAY / SANAYSAY categories, an entry should be at least ten (10) but not more than twenty-five (25) typewritten pages. The category is open only to informal (personal) essays.
6. In the POETRY / TULA categories, an entry must consist of a collection of at least ten (10) but not more than fifteen (15) poems.
7. In the POETRY FOR CHILDREN / TULANG PAMBATA categories, an entry must consist of a collection of at least ten (10) but not more than fifteen (15) poems. It may deal with any subject and must be comprehensible within the grade-school reading level of children ages 6-12, and can be appreciated in its oral form by younger children.
8. In the ONE-ACT PLAY / DULANG MAY ISANG YUGTO categories, an entry must be of sufficient length to approximate a performance time of forty-five (45) minutes. The theme is open and free and the entry must include a one-page synopsis.
9. In the FULL-LENGTH PLAY / DULANG GANAP ANG HABA categories, an entry must consist of two (2) or more acts and the entry must include a one-page synopsis.
10. In the DULANG PAMPELIKULA category, the entry must be a script for a full-length film with a running time of approximately two (2) hours. The theme is open and free and the entry must include a one-page synopsis.
11. In the NOVEL / NOBELA categories, the theme is open and free. There is no limit as to the number of pages of the entry but the entry must include a one-page synopsis.
12. The KABATAAN ESSAY / KABATAAN SANAYSAY are special categories open to persons below 18 years of age. It is open only to informal (personal) essays. The theme for this year is: (to be announced). An entry must be at least four (4) but not more than five (5) typewritten pages, and must carry an original title.
13. The KABATAAN AWARD OF DISTINCTION is awarded to Palanca awardees who have won four (4) first prizes in the KABATAAN ESSAY. First prize awards in the special youth category shall not be counted for purposes of the Hall of Fame Award.
14. a. Authors may submit only one (1) entry per category.
b. An entry or excerpt thereof, may only be submitted in one (1) category and may not be entered in any other category.
c. A translation of an entry submitted in one (1) division shall not be eligible in any other division.
15. A work which has been awarded a prize in another contest before 12:00 m.n. of 30 April 2011 is not qualified for the awards.
16. Published/produced works which were first published or first produced between 1 May 2010 to 30 April 2011 and/or unpublished/unproduced works, may be entered in the contest, except in the DULANG PAMPELIKULA category where only unproduced works may be entered.
17. Each entry must be typewritten or computerized, double – spaced on 8 ½ X 11 inches bond paper, with approximately one-inch margin on all sides. The page number must be typed consecutively e.g. 1 of 30, 2 of 30 and so on at the center of the bottom margin of each page. If computerized, the font should be Arial, Times New Roman or Book Antiqua and the font size should be 12. The author’s real name and address must only appear in the Official Entry Form and the Authorization Form and must not appear on the entry. The following documents must be sealed inside an 8.5” x 13” brown envelope for entries not submitted through the website: (a) the duly accomplished Official Entry Form, (b) Authorization Form (The Authorization Form must be notarized for local entries, (c) Consent, if applicable, (d) an original and three (3) copies of the entry, (e) a digital copy of the entry, and (f) the author’s full résumé. Only the title of the entry, category, and division should be written or typed on the envelope. Entries from abroad need not be notarized but if an entry from abroad wins, then the Authorization Form must be authenticated by the Philippine Embassy or Consulate and submitted to the CPMA Office on or before 31 August of the contest year in order to qualify.
18. All entries (except Novel) submitted through the website should be in a Word Document File and should be sent as an attachment together with scanned copies of the following: (a) duly accomplished Official Entry Form, (b) notarized Authorization Form, (c) Consent, if applicable, and (d) the author’s full résumé. The time of transmission should be NOT LATER THAN 12:00 m.n. of 30 APRIL 2011. An entry will only be considered submitted if official confirmation is received through the website or by the CPMA administration. An envelope containing the original signed requirements listed in Rule 17(a) (b) and (c) above should then be sent to the CARLOS PALANCA FOUNDATION, INC. by mail or courier and postmarked not later than 30 April 2011.
19. In submitting an entry, a contestant represents and warrants that the work is his own and that he has absolute ownership of all intellectual property rights thereto. If the entry is an adaptation of another author’s existing work, the contestant shall submit to the Foundation the written consent of the author of the existing work, allowing the contestant to adapt the work, and to enter the adaptation in the contest (the Consent). The Consent shall include a clear and categorical statement that the Foundation shall be exempt from any and all liability in the event that the adaptation is said to infringe the intellectual property rights of the author of the existing work. The Consent must be notarized and, if executed outside the Philippines, should be authenticated by the Philippine Embassy or consulate. The contestant shall also sign the Consent and attach the same to the Official Entry Form/Authorization Form.
20. Entries submitted must comply with government policies on printed matters. Submitted copies of winning entries shall remain with, and become the property of, the Carlos Palanca Foundation, Inc. Submitted copies of non-winning entries may be claimed by the authors not later than six (6) months from the date of announcement of winners.
21. In order to give public access to the winning works, the author hereby grants, assigns, and transfers unto the Sponsor, the right without necessity of any payment other than the prize which may have been awarded: to publish from time to time any winning entry or selection or portion thereof as it may at its discretion determine; to designate or appoint editors to edit the work or any portion thereof to suit the demands of publication; to furnish a reasonable number of copies of all winning works to the National Library or other libraries; to make the works available for downloading on the Internet or other electronic media; and/or to allow students to make copies for research or in connection with their school requirements. In the One-act Play, Full-length Play, and Dulang Pampelikula categories, the Sponsor shall also have the right to produce, or authorize the production of, and/or carry out the staging, telecasting, broadcasting, cinema, video streaming, and/or other forms of exhibition whether over the Internet, through other electronic media, or on site, from time to time, of any winning entry or selection or portion thereof as it may in its discretion determine. The Sponsor shall also have the right to appoint or designate editors or directors who may edit the work or any portion thereof to suit the demands of production or exhibition.
To promote Philippine Literature in the modern world of information technology, the Sponsor intends to make the winning entries accessible through the internet or other electronic media, to serve as a literary archive of the contest. The website or other media to be established for this purpose shall be a repository of the award-winning works, recording the history of the development of Philippine literature over the years through the Palanca Awards. In making the works thus available to interested researchers and students of Philippine literature, the Sponsor intends purely to promote literary appreciation for and public awareness of such works, and not to commercially exploit the same. Authors must indicate on the Official Entry Form whether they want their works included on the CPMA website and made available for downloading by the public for free in the event that such works win an award. To encourage use for educational purposes, works shall be posted on the website in their entirety. Should any winning author subsequently instruct the Sponsor in writing to include or remove the work from the Internet archive, such instruction will be honored and the work shall be included or removed from the Internet archive within a reasonable time from Sponsor’s receipt of the author’s written instructions.
22. In connection with the grant, assignment, or transfer to the Sponsor of the right of publication, re-publication, production, reproduction or exhibition as stated in paragraph 22 of these rules, and pursuant to the requirements of R.A. No. 8293, entries must be accompanied by the author’s written consent to abide by the rules of the contest acknowledged before a Notary Public. In case of minors, particularly with respect to the Kabataan Essay category, the written consent of the parents or legal guardians shall also be required. The Authorization Form and Official Entry Form are available at the Carlos Palanca Foundation, Inc. office or through the website.
The exercise of the above rights by the Sponsor shall not be deemed a waiver of any right of action which the Sponsor of this contest may have against the contestant, if it may be discovered later on that said person is not the creator or owner of the copyright to the award-winning work. Moreover, the contestant likewise undertakes to indemnify the Sponsor for any and all damages, fees, costs and expenses that the Sponsor may incur by reason of the infringement by the contestant of the intellectual property rights of another.
23. The prizes, in Philippine Pesos (Php), for each contest category are the following:
a. Short Story / Maikling Kuwento / Regional Languages (Hiligaynon, Iluko, Cebuano)
First prize: 15,000.00
Second prize: 10,000.00
Third prize: 8,000.00
b. Poetry, Essay, One–act Play, Short Story for Children, Poetry for Children /
Tula, Sanaysay, Dulang may Isang Yugto, Maikling Kuwentong Pambata, Tulang Pambata
First prize: 15,000.00
Second prize: 10,000.00
Third prize: 8,000.00
c. Full-length Play / Dulang Ganap ang Haba
First prize: 20,000.00
Second prize: 12,000.00
Third prize: 8,000.00
d. Dulang Pampelikula
First prize: 30,000.00
Second prize: 15,000.00
Third prize: 12,000.00
e. Kabataan Essay / Kabataan Sanaysay
First prize: 8,000.00
Second prize: 5,000.00
Third prize: 3,000.00
f. Novel / Nobela
Grand prize: 40,000.00
(The school/s of the student/s winning the first prize in the Kabataan Essay will receive a cash prize of Php 5,000.00)
24. The Sponsor has the sole right to designate the persons who shall constitute the Board of Judges in each of the contest categories. The decision of the majority of the Board of Judges in all categories shall be final.
25. The Board of Judges shall declare only one winner for each prize listed in Rule 24. There shall be no co-winners and/or splitting of the prize money. The Board of Judges shall have the discretion not to award any prize if, in its judgment, no meritorious entry has been submitted.
26. The names of the winners and the members of the Board of Judges shall be announced on 1 September 2011.
27. All parties submitting entries are deemed to have accepted the rules of the contest, and agree to abide thereby.
Contest Deliverables:
CPMA Rules for 2011 Contest >>
CPMA Official Entry Form >>
CPMA Authorization >>
More information here.