Korean Association for Multicultural Education: Travel Awards and Call for Submissions

09 January 2011
Korean Association for Multicultural Education: Travel Awards and Call for Submissions
Deadline: 9 February 2011

Multicultural Education Review (MER), the official international journal of KAME (Korean Association for Multicultural Education), invites submissions of manuscripts. Any topics dealing with research agendas and policy issues in the field of multicultural education are welcome.

Please submit the manuscript electronically to kame2008@naver.com
(or yunkyung@hanyang.ac.kr).

The Editor of MER guarantees an editorial decision within no more than six months, and the accepted articles will be published in MER within a year after the final decision is made.

Each year KAME will choose 10 accepted articles and offer travel awards to the authors in the form of an airline ticket (up to maximum amount of 500 US dollars) plus room and board for three nights during the any KAME annual international conference of the author’s choice.

Three manuscripts submitted before February 10, 2011 will be granted, if accepted for MER, v. 3, no.1, a full travel award for future KAME annual international conference of the author's choice.

Please send your manuscript or any inquiry to the following addresses:

Professor Yun-Kyung Cha, (yunkyung@hanyang.ac.kr)
Department of Education
Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea
Tel: 82-2-10-2610-3872
Fax: 82-2-2282-7260

More information here.
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