Deadline: 22 April 2011
Call for Presentations
JALT is a professional organization dedicated to the improvement of language learning and teaching in Japan: a vehicle for the exchange of ideas and techniques and a means of keeping abreast of new developments in a rapidly changing field. JALT, formed in 1976, is the Japan affiliate of International TESOL (Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages) and a partner of IATEFL (The International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language).
All Chapter and SIG officers and interested JALT members are invited to join in planning the conference together, especially if you are based in the Tokyo area. We always need another pair of hands and another point of view. Contact the conference committee if you would like to take part or talk to any member of the conference team about what is involved.
Vetted or Unvetted Proposals?
There are two types of presentation proposals: vetted and unvetted. Most sessions at the conference are vetted. Unvetted proposals are those that are guaranteed inclusion in the conference program because of agreements with Associate Members and affiliate organizations, or proposals from SIGs, Chapters, and other parts of JALT for required meetings and forums. Unvetted proposals follow slightly different procedures, which can be found at
All proposals, both vetted and unvetted, will be reviewed by the program committee.
Notification of acceptance or rejection of a proposal will be sent by email no later than Saturday July 30, 2011.
* The vetting procedure is completely anonymous. Only proposals completed according to the guidelines, received on or before the deadline, will be reviewed.
* Proposals for longer presentations and special events that tie into the theme of Teaching • Learning • Growing will be entertained by the Program Committee only under special circumstances. Brief descriptions of proposals for special events should be sent to
Submitting a Vetted Proposal
Please follow the steps below to ensure your vetted submission is received in its complete and correct form.
Important: Emailed, mailed, or faxed proposals will NOT be accepted.
1. Titles must be no more than 50 characters including spaces. Titles must be in English.
2. Prepare a summary (maximum of 75 words or 150 Japanese characters) and an abstract (150-250 words or 300-500 Japanese characters). Following the steps below will help ensure your submission is received properly.
* If possible, use a word processor or text editor other than Microsoft Word to write your submission. Microsoft Word introduces various text encodings that cause compatibility issues with the online database, and may result in unwanted characters appearing in your submission.
* Plain text only. Don't format your document with tabs, bold text, bullet marks or multiple line breaks between paragraphs. All formatting will be stripped when the document is submitted to the database and sent to the reading committee.
* Use straight quotes and apostrophes, not curly quotes (" " are straight; “ ” are curly).
* Use a single space only after punctuation such as periods, not double spaces.
* Do not use all caps for your name. Enter your name with the first letter capitalized ONLY like this: Smith, Joe. Using uppercase or all capitals for your entire name looks unprofessional and creates extra work for the publications editors.
3. Go to the JALT2011 submissions webpage at:
4. Enter all your submission details following the on-screen instructions. Once complete, submit your summary and abstract. DO NOT SEND BY EMAIL. Only website submissions will be accepted.
5. As all correspondence from the program committee regarding your submission will be via email, please ensure you enter a correct working email address! We will be notifying presenters around the end of July with submission results. It is important you provide an email address you can access at this time, as presenters who do not confirm their intention to present by mid-August may be removed from the schedule. It is your responsibility to confirm your presentation by mid-August even if you are away from home or work.
6. Also, be sure to notify the program team of any changes in your contact address. If we cannot contact you via email, your submission will be dropped. Please note: Hotmail and Yahoo sometimes block legitimate mail due to their strict spam and junk mail policies. If you must use one of these services, please ensure the database mail address is entered in your whitelist or list of allowed mail recipients.
7. Once you submit your presentation, you will receive an automatic confirmation email message listing the details of your submission. In most cases this confirmation email will be sent within a few seconds of your submission. This email message is your receipt to show your submission has been received and entered in the conference database. PLEASE KEEP A COPY of this message in case of any queries or problems related to your submission. If you DO NOT receive a confirmation email message, please contact the database manager to check the status of your submission. In most cases, failure to receive confirmation mail means the presentation details were not submitted correctly.
The deadline for vetted proposals is midnight, Friday April 22, 2011, Japan Standard Time. NO late submissions will be accepted after this date.
Abstracts are evaluated by the Reading Committee to determine which vetted presentations are accepted. Each proposal is reviewed by three Reading Committee members. The Reading Committee sees only the titles and the abstracts.
Please make sure that:
* Your abstract is between 150 and 250 words in English, 300 to 500 characters in Japanese, and that your title has a maximum of 50 characters and spaces total.
* The presentation's purpose and point of view are clearly stated.
* Supporting details and examples are included.
* The best format (i.e., short paper, workshop, long paper, forum) has been selected.
* The material outlined can be covered in the allotted time.
* The contents have been carefully edited and proofread.
* No name or information is included in the abstract that could be used to identify the speaker.
Frequently asked questions
1. How many papers can I submit?
There is no limit to the number of submissions a single person may make. However, so that as many people as possible may present at JALT2011, presenters with multiple submissions will be limited to a maximum of one vetted presentation as main presenter. Participation in multiple presentations is permissible, as long as a single individual is not the main presenter in more than one presentation. However if any group of presenters or any institution appears to be attempting to circumvent the system by submitting an extreme number of presentations, the Reading Committee in consultation with the Director of Program may choose to limit the number of presentations actually accepted.
2. How many individuals from a single institution can present in a 25 minute short paper presentation or 60 minute long paper presentation?
In proposing paper presentations, we suggest that you include no more than three individuals from any single institution.
3. At the moment, due to various circumstances, I'm not sure if I'll be able to attend the conference or not. Should I submit a proposal regardless?
We ask that you submit proposals only if you plan to attend the conference. We suggest that if your research is as yet unfinished, or you are unsure if you will have the funding or time to attend, it may be more suitable to wait and submit again next year.
4. How do I register for the conference?
All presenters must pre-register for the conference. Failure of any presenter or co-presenter to pre-register will result in cancellation of the presentation. Pre-registration information is automatically sent to all presenters and JALT members. Nonmembers can request pre-registration materials in writing by post (JALT Central Office, Urban Edge Bldg 5F, 1-37-9 Taito, Taito-ku, Tokyo, 110-0016, Japan), email, or fax (03-3837-1631) from the JALT Central Office. We regret that financial assistance cannot be provided to presenters.
Deadline for Presenter Pre-registration is Saturday 1 October, 2011.
5. Are there opportunities to submit manuscripts to JALT publications?
Presenters are encouraged to submit revisions of their presentation for possible publication in the JALT Journal or The Language Teacher, and articles based upon their presentations to the JALT2011 Conference Proceedings (see the JALT2011 Conference Handbook for details).
To submit a proposal:
More information here.
Call for Presentations
JALT is a professional organization dedicated to the improvement of language learning and teaching in Japan: a vehicle for the exchange of ideas and techniques and a means of keeping abreast of new developments in a rapidly changing field. JALT, formed in 1976, is the Japan affiliate of International TESOL (Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages) and a partner of IATEFL (The International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language).
All Chapter and SIG officers and interested JALT members are invited to join in planning the conference together, especially if you are based in the Tokyo area. We always need another pair of hands and another point of view. Contact the conference committee if you would like to take part or talk to any member of the conference team about what is involved.
Vetted or Unvetted Proposals?
There are two types of presentation proposals: vetted and unvetted. Most sessions at the conference are vetted. Unvetted proposals are those that are guaranteed inclusion in the conference program because of agreements with Associate Members and affiliate organizations, or proposals from SIGs, Chapters, and other parts of JALT for required meetings and forums. Unvetted proposals follow slightly different procedures, which can be found at
All proposals, both vetted and unvetted, will be reviewed by the program committee.
Notification of acceptance or rejection of a proposal will be sent by email no later than Saturday July 30, 2011.
* The vetting procedure is completely anonymous. Only proposals completed according to the guidelines, received on or before the deadline, will be reviewed.
* Proposals for longer presentations and special events that tie into the theme of Teaching • Learning • Growing will be entertained by the Program Committee only under special circumstances. Brief descriptions of proposals for special events should be sent to
Submitting a Vetted Proposal
Please follow the steps below to ensure your vetted submission is received in its complete and correct form.
Important: Emailed, mailed, or faxed proposals will NOT be accepted.
1. Titles must be no more than 50 characters including spaces. Titles must be in English.
2. Prepare a summary (maximum of 75 words or 150 Japanese characters) and an abstract (150-250 words or 300-500 Japanese characters). Following the steps below will help ensure your submission is received properly.
* If possible, use a word processor or text editor other than Microsoft Word to write your submission. Microsoft Word introduces various text encodings that cause compatibility issues with the online database, and may result in unwanted characters appearing in your submission.
* Plain text only. Don't format your document with tabs, bold text, bullet marks or multiple line breaks between paragraphs. All formatting will be stripped when the document is submitted to the database and sent to the reading committee.
* Use straight quotes and apostrophes, not curly quotes (" " are straight; “ ” are curly).
* Use a single space only after punctuation such as periods, not double spaces.
* Do not use all caps for your name. Enter your name with the first letter capitalized ONLY like this: Smith, Joe. Using uppercase or all capitals for your entire name looks unprofessional and creates extra work for the publications editors.
3. Go to the JALT2011 submissions webpage at:
4. Enter all your submission details following the on-screen instructions. Once complete, submit your summary and abstract. DO NOT SEND BY EMAIL. Only website submissions will be accepted.
5. As all correspondence from the program committee regarding your submission will be via email, please ensure you enter a correct working email address! We will be notifying presenters around the end of July with submission results. It is important you provide an email address you can access at this time, as presenters who do not confirm their intention to present by mid-August may be removed from the schedule. It is your responsibility to confirm your presentation by mid-August even if you are away from home or work.
6. Also, be sure to notify the program team of any changes in your contact address. If we cannot contact you via email, your submission will be dropped. Please note: Hotmail and Yahoo sometimes block legitimate mail due to their strict spam and junk mail policies. If you must use one of these services, please ensure the database mail address is entered in your whitelist or list of allowed mail recipients.
7. Once you submit your presentation, you will receive an automatic confirmation email message listing the details of your submission. In most cases this confirmation email will be sent within a few seconds of your submission. This email message is your receipt to show your submission has been received and entered in the conference database. PLEASE KEEP A COPY of this message in case of any queries or problems related to your submission. If you DO NOT receive a confirmation email message, please contact the database manager to check the status of your submission. In most cases, failure to receive confirmation mail means the presentation details were not submitted correctly.
The deadline for vetted proposals is midnight, Friday April 22, 2011, Japan Standard Time. NO late submissions will be accepted after this date.
Abstracts are evaluated by the Reading Committee to determine which vetted presentations are accepted. Each proposal is reviewed by three Reading Committee members. The Reading Committee sees only the titles and the abstracts.
Please make sure that:
* Your abstract is between 150 and 250 words in English, 300 to 500 characters in Japanese, and that your title has a maximum of 50 characters and spaces total.
* The presentation's purpose and point of view are clearly stated.
* Supporting details and examples are included.
* The best format (i.e., short paper, workshop, long paper, forum) has been selected.
* The material outlined can be covered in the allotted time.
* The contents have been carefully edited and proofread.
* No name or information is included in the abstract that could be used to identify the speaker.
Frequently asked questions
1. How many papers can I submit?
There is no limit to the number of submissions a single person may make. However, so that as many people as possible may present at JALT2011, presenters with multiple submissions will be limited to a maximum of one vetted presentation as main presenter. Participation in multiple presentations is permissible, as long as a single individual is not the main presenter in more than one presentation. However if any group of presenters or any institution appears to be attempting to circumvent the system by submitting an extreme number of presentations, the Reading Committee in consultation with the Director of Program may choose to limit the number of presentations actually accepted.
2. How many individuals from a single institution can present in a 25 minute short paper presentation or 60 minute long paper presentation?
In proposing paper presentations, we suggest that you include no more than three individuals from any single institution.
3. At the moment, due to various circumstances, I'm not sure if I'll be able to attend the conference or not. Should I submit a proposal regardless?
We ask that you submit proposals only if you plan to attend the conference. We suggest that if your research is as yet unfinished, or you are unsure if you will have the funding or time to attend, it may be more suitable to wait and submit again next year.
4. How do I register for the conference?
All presenters must pre-register for the conference. Failure of any presenter or co-presenter to pre-register will result in cancellation of the presentation. Pre-registration information is automatically sent to all presenters and JALT members. Nonmembers can request pre-registration materials in writing by post (JALT Central Office, Urban Edge Bldg 5F, 1-37-9 Taito, Taito-ku, Tokyo, 110-0016, Japan), email, or fax (03-3837-1631) from the JALT Central Office. We regret that financial assistance cannot be provided to presenters.
Deadline for Presenter Pre-registration is Saturday 1 October, 2011.
5. Are there opportunities to submit manuscripts to JALT publications?
Presenters are encouraged to submit revisions of their presentation for possible publication in the JALT Journal or The Language Teacher, and articles based upon their presentations to the JALT2011 Conference Proceedings (see the JALT2011 Conference Handbook for details).
To submit a proposal:
More information here.