The Chung-Hwa Institute Grant/ Scholarship and Call for Manuscripts (Bhuddist studies, literature, and art)

07 January 2011
The Chung-Hwa Institute Grant/ Scholarship and Call for Manuscripts (Bhuddist studies, literature, and art)
Deadline: 30 July of each year

Call for Manuscripts and Scholarship Applications: Chung-Hwa Buddhist Studies

The Chung-Hwa Institute of Buddhist Studies, an accredited research institute dedicated to academic research and publication of Chinese Buddhism, is launching a grant project for graduate students. In line with the institute motto declared by founder Master Sheng Yen, “Our roots are Chinese; our branches are global,” the Chung-Hwa Institute of Buddhist Studies and the Sheng Yen Education Foundation cooperate to offer graduate students scholarship opportunities and publication in the journal, Chung-Hwa Buddhist Studies.

I.Topics of contribution

Academic articles related to Chinese Buddhism of any period within a wide variety of fields, e.g., literature, history, philosophy, art, psychology, education, etc., are welcomed by the journal.

II. Prospective contributors

Domestic and international students enrolled in graduate programs are welcome to submit their academic works. Prospective students with a Master's degree who are considering further study are invited as well.

III. Deadline

An issue deadline is set for July 30th annually. Manuscripts received by the deadline will be peer reviewed. Manuscripts received after July 30th will be considered for the next year. The journal is published on December annually.

IV. Amount of scholarship

Accepted articles from students in M.A. programs or contributors with a Master's degree will be awarded a scholarship of NT$10,000 (approximately 300 USD.)

Accepted articles from Ph.D. students will receive a scholarship of NT$20,000 (approximately 600 USD.)

*This scholarship will be offered continuously until further notice. Twenty percent tax will be deducted.

V. Scholarship ceremony

A scholarship ceremony will be held on the 9th of the first month of Chinese lunar calendar in commemoration of Master Sheng Yen.

*Overseas scholarship recipients who cannot attend this ceremony are requested to write a letter of acceptance. Scholarship will be remitted after the ceremony.

VI. Submission checklist

1. A “Contributor's Information Sheet.” (This form is available on-line at

2. A validated statement of enrollment in graduate program, or a copy of the Master's degree diploma certificate.

3. A recommendation letter from student's academic advisor.

4. Two copies of the manuscript in hard copy, together with electronic versions of the article (with DOC and PDF files) along with font files for special characters (if any).

VII. Submission guidelines

1. Manuscripts are expected in Chinese, English, or Japanese, and contain 10,000 to 20,000 words. A complete manuscript should include the following components: the title, an abstract within 600 words, and five keywords in both English and Chinese (or Japanese), along with table of contents and references. Please see “manuscript formatting” for the suggested format of manuscripts (available at

2. All submissions will be reviewed anonymously by two outside reviewers. Acceptance of submitted manuscripts will be based solely upon the opinions of the reviewers. Authors unwilling to meet reviewers' suggestion for revision will be withdrawn automatically.

3. Chung-Hwa Buddhist Studies reserves the right to revise articles. The author is responsible for proofreading before publication.

4. Authors submitting a manuscript to the Chung-Hwa Buddhist Studies should not simultaneously submit the manuscript to another journal. Copyright of all accepted works will transfer to the Chung-Hwa Buddhist Studies. CHIBS and Chung-Hwa Institute of Buddhist Studies may include articles in on-line databases or CD/DVD titles for academic distribution. The authors will be awarded two copies of the published Chung-Hwa Buddhist Studies and ten excerpted copies. Written permission must be obtained to reprint or reproduce articles.

VIII. Contact information

Phone: (+886-2) 24987171 ext. 2339
Fax: (+886-2) 24981176
Mailing address:Dharma Drum Mountain
The Chung-Hwa Institute of Buddhist Studies
14-5 Sanjie Village, Jinshan 20842
Taipei County, Taiwan, ROC

More information here.
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