Thunderbird Resorts Student Essay Contest: My Community and the Environment (Luzon Philippines area)

19 December 2010
Thunderbird Resorts Student Essay Contest: My Community and the Environment (Luzon Philippines area)
Deadline: 4 February 2011



In order to promote environmental awareness and action among students in the provinces of Rizal and La Union and the cities of Antipolo and San Fernando, Thunderbird Resorts, in cooperation with the Department of Education, will be mounting the first ever TREES Writing Contest. The Contest will culminate on the celebration of Earth Hour on March 26, 2011.


The theme of the contest is My Community and the Environment. In their essay, students must answer the following questions: “What are the environmental programs and projects in my community? What can still be done? What can I do to help?”


The contest seeks to achieve the following objectives:

1. To promote environmental awareness and action among Third and Fourth Year high school students;
2. To help students exercise their data-gathering and their English writing skills; and,
3. To instill awareness and drum up support for Earth Hour in the communities within the provinces of Rizal and La Union, including the cities of Antipolo and San Fernando.


Elimination Round Mechanics

1. There shall be two Areas for the contest, namely: La Union (includes San Fernando City) and Rizal (includes Antipolo City).

2. The contest is open to bonafide Third and Fourth Year high school students from both public and private schools in the Divisions of Antipolo City, Rizal, San Fernando City and La Union.

3. All English subject classes in Third Year and Fourth Year levels shall conduct an essaywriting activity based on the theme.Each student/school shall submit only one entry.

4. The English Department Head and Teachers shall select the school's entry from among the outputs during the essay-writing activity of each English class.

5. The selected school entries must be emailed as attachments to on or before February 4, 2011 and accompanied with the following information:

a. Complete Name of Student
b. Contact Number (preferably mobile number)
c. Home Address
d. Year Level
e. Name of School
f. School's Contact Number
g. School Address
h. Complete Name of Teacher-Coach

6. The entry shall also be accompanied with a signed Certification/Honor Pledge of the School Principal and the English Department Head that the student is a bonafide student of the school; that the entry is an original composition of the student; that it was specifically written for the TREES Writing Contest; that the entry has not been submitted to any other essaywriting competition; that the student has not received any assistance in composing the essay; and that the entry has been adjudged the winner following an essay-writing activity in all English classes. Entries without this certification shall not be considered.

7. On February 28, 2011, fifty (50) finalists will be selected, with twenty-five finalists per Area. Finalists and their schools will be notified via phone call, e-mail, SMS, and fax. Names of finalists will also be posted on

Elimination Round Essay Guidelines

1. Entries must be written in English and aligned with the theme.
2. Submitted essays must be original and previously unpublished.
3. Entries must headed by a title.
4. Entries must not exceed 1,000 words.
5. Criteria:

Subject Knowledge and Feasibility of Recommendations - 40%

• Demonstrates familiarity with theme; points made are relevant to the topic
• Recommendations are specific, measurable, actionable and realistic
• Cites research and expert opinions as basis for recommendations

Language - 25%

• Captivates the reader
• Does not contain grammatical errors

Structure - 20%

• Logical and easy to follow
• Paragraphs are unified

Creativity - 15%

• Shows evidence of innovative ways of thinking

On-the-Spot Writing Contest

1. On March 26, 2011, finalists will be brought to their local Thunderbird Resort (Poro Point, La Union or Binangonan, Rizal) to participate in a simultaneous day-long essay-writing activity. Each finalist shall be accompanied by one (1) teacher-coach only. Transportation and food for finalists and their teacher-coaches will be shouldered by Thunderbird Resorts.
2. The topic of the essay and writing guidelines will be announced on the day itself.
3. One finalist per Area will be chosen as the winners of the Contest.
4. The Department of Education and Thunderbird Resorts reserve the right to reprint the winning entry in a future publication. The writer may republish the unedited submission as desired six months after initial publication by the contest organizers.
5. Decision of the Judges is final and irrevocable.


Elimination Round Finalists (25 per Area)
PhP 5,000 in cash each + Certificate PhP 10,000 in cash each

On-the-Spot Writing Contest Winners (1 per Area)
PhP 100,000 in cash + Certificate each PhP 50,000 in cash each

Contact Person:
Myra Lorredo
T: (0906)5042022 / (02)8865555 on weekdays from 10:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M. E:

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