Deadline: 30 December 2010

BluSlate Magazine is currently accepting submissions of fiction, poetry, photographs and essays for Issue 1, to be published in January 2011.
We welcome submissions from new writers as well as established writers. We look for fiction with believable characters and a vivid story; poetry with original, interesting use of language; well-crafted, honest essays; photographs and mostly, work that moves us.
Submissions should be emailed to (replace (at) with @); please read and follow the full (http://
BluSlate Magazine is a print journal and is published every quarter. Contributors receive two copies of the issue in which their work appears. Deadline: 30/12/10.
More information here.

BluSlate Magazine is currently accepting submissions of fiction, poetry, photographs and essays for Issue 1, to be published in January 2011.
We welcome submissions from new writers as well as established writers. We look for fiction with believable characters and a vivid story; poetry with original, interesting use of language; well-crafted, honest essays; photographs and mostly, work that moves us.
Submissions should be emailed to
BluSlate Magazine is a print journal and is published every quarter. Contributors receive two copies of the issue in which their work appears. Deadline: 30/12/10.
More information here.