Call for Articles/ Artworks: Anahita, Lady of Persia (special issue of Mithras Readers Journal)

28 December 2010
Call for Articles/ Artworks: Anahita, Lady of Persia (special issue of Mithras Readers Journal)
This is a call for papers, articles and artwork for next issue of an academic and religious journal of Greek, Roman, and Persian Studies.

We are planning a special Anahita issue of the Journal (Anahita: Persian Goddess and Zoroastrian Yazata). This issue will be fully dedicated to research papers and articles on Anahita, Nahid, Anahit etc...

Mithras Readers: An Academic and Religious Journal of Greek, Roman and Persian Studies is dedicated to all the religions of the classical world. We invite submissions of academic papers from researchers and spiritual articles from practitioners of the religions of the classical world. We also welcome classical world based art work, both modern interpretations and traditional forms.

Occasional articles covering the non-religious aspects of the ancient Greco-Roman or Persian world will be considered, for example dealing with geopolitical, cultural, or relevant military history. The Journal is divided into three sections. Part 1 contains the academic papers; Part 2 art work inspired by the classical world, sculptures and paintings; in Part 3 there are religious articles by modern practitioners, rites, hymns, stories and poetry. Authors should state which section they wish their papers to be included in.

Please include a short biography.

Authors receive one complimentary copy of the issue in which their article appears. The Journal pays no royalties or remuneration to the authors. All papers, articles, materials featured in the journal remain the copyright of their authors and artists and not the publishers. Authors can publish their material in other places too.

As a ‘Reader’ Journal, it is the opinions of the writers that are expressed rather than peer reviewed views. Authors who wish to publish their material in the part 1 of the journal (the academic section), need to state their academic qualifications, their publication record in the field and/or at which university the research was undertaken.

Authors, who are not academics in the field, can still submit material for part 3 (non academic section). Materials in part 1 are papers, while materials in part 3 are articles. The full guidelines are attached.

The Journal is available both in printed format and as an electronic download.

If you wish to submit your work please have a look at the last issue, and obtain a copy of it, so you become familiar with journal’s format and style.

Please see Vol2:

And Vol3:

Authors are responsible for obtaining copyright permission for all previously published or copyrighted materials that are used / included in their submissions.

Materials are to be submitted in good English and should not normally exceed

9000 words, and should be presented in 12 point Garamond font. If English is not your first language please have your work read by a professional English translator before submitting your work, as a translation service cannot be provided.

Materials are to be submitted electronically as .doc or .rtf files, and images should be submitted as JPEG files unless otherwise discussed, and should be provided at the size intended for production at a resolution of 600 dpi. References should be numbered in the text and appear as numbered endnotes at end of the article. Any bibliography should also be located at end of the article. To contact us or send your submissions please email us at:

More information here.
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