Arab Fund for Arts and Culture

26 December 2010
Arab Fund for Arts and Culture
Arab Fund for Arts and Culture
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Editor/Founder: Ghassan Salameh
Country: Middle East
Type: Institution

Description: The Arab Fund for Arts and Culture is an independent Arab initiative established by local cultural lobbyists and a group of international donors in 2007. AFAC funds individuals and organizations in the fields of cinema, performing arts, literature, music and visual arts, while facilitating cultural exchange and cooperation across the Arab world and globally. AFAC envisions a thriving Arab art and cultural scene that is confident in its expression, open to dialogue, accessible to all, and sustained locally by committed patrons. By engaging artists and cultural practitioners to assess their needs and facilitate cooperation, educating patrons on the social impact of arts and culture, advising stakeholders on necessary interventions, and supporting projects with direct independent funding, AFAC will play a leading role in achieving this vision, serving as a model and catalyst for homegrown philanthropic initiatives across the Arab world. AFAC’s operations are guided by two fundamental principles: transparency in the grant giving process and independence through a diversity of funding sources.

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