Story Competition: "Who is like Your Nation, Israel, one People in the land"

08 November 2010
Story Competition: "Who is like Your Nation, Israel, one People in the land"
Deadline: 28 November 2010

In response to a slew of horrific tragedies last year, a daily inspiration e-mail, was born. The idea is to share positive, true stories about our People, so that we love each other and have everyone in mind in our prayers, before it is too late, before tragedy strikes.

One inspiring story about the greatness of Klal Yisrael is sent to recipients daily. The stories are about small people and great giants, about the committed and the alienated, about the young and old, individuals and groups. Some stories are cute, some deep, all of them inspiring (and short).

We believe that everyone could, and should, see what an amazing people we are. We believe that anyone who takes the time to share a story is benefitting not just the readers, but is doing good for him/herself.

For the speedy recovery of Henna Sarah b' Feige Malya, a ten year old girl with an advanced stage of cancer, a writing contest was formed to encourage submissions of positive stories. All the stories are shared with subscribers to

Here are the details:

1st Prize:

$100 gift certificate at Feldheim will be rewarded to the most inspiring story. In particular, the story which, according to the judges, evokes the most emotion, whether laughter or tears, will get the winning prize.

2nd Prize:

For every submission, you enter a drawing for a $50 gift certificate at Artscroll.

Submissions must follow these rules to be honored:

1) The story must in some way reflect the verse, מי כעמך ישראל גוי אחד בארץ"- דברי הימים א':י"ז: כ"א" (Who is like Your nation, Israel, one People in the land.) Any story that does not show the greatness of an individual or a group of Jews, will not be considered a submission.

2) Of course, a story is not positive if it states or implies something negative about another person or group.

3) The story should be SHORT. Our readers are busy people.

4) The best type of story is the one written in first person, "I saw..." "I heard...." In all cases, the stories must be personally verifiable or must have a good source.

5) Multiple submissions are more than welcome! For every submission, you up the chances of one of your stories being chosen for the first prize, and you enter the drawing for the second prize again.

6) All the stories sent our way will be shared with all subscribers. Do not send a story that you do not wish to share.

7) You can write the story/ies anonymously, with a pseudonym, or with your name. (Please specify!)

Cool Please send submissions by pasting in the body of an e-mail message to

9) Submissions can be sent in until Sunday, November 28 (כ"א כסלו), 12:00 p.m. Israel time.

More information here.
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