Featured Poem: Divination by Marcel L. Milliam

26 November 2010
Featured Poem: Divination by Marcel L. Milliam

You told me that the runes were vague
And even the lines in the palm of my hands
Were not enough to ascertain
My destiny, so we moved on
To more arcane tools and methods.
You chuckled when I asked
About crystal balls and visceral castings.
While you lighted your sacred
The Feng Shui of your room
Demands we heed the flow of Chi
On your inviting bed.
You must slowly map the moles
In my body with a far more
Efficient hands, than eyes
That won't do well in darkness.
It was not kissing.
It was labiomancy.
As the heat surges
It was obvious we
Needed to go Kirilian.
Now we alternate to Reiki
With your gifted palms.
Clamancy in our choral moans and groans
Or were we speaking in tongues?
Tongues, yes, of course,
Tongues and dowsing rods.
Bumpology for the bumps on my bodies
Or plainly bumping, humping pumping?
At this point I forget whether we're moving into
Kabbalah, or are we approximating the Kama Sutra?
It doesn't matter as long as
I'm moving into you.
Thus we invented
Now we debate if I explode within you
Or if we need the fluids for drimimancy.
Later as we sip coffee and smoke.
We realized that we could have had
Tea instead, for teacup scrying.
Then again, we can always
Go back to your room
And survey the sheets.
There must be omens there.
Or if we feel Karmically bound
To repeat history
Again and again.
We both took out
Our Tarot

Marcel L. Milliam (Luis Batchoy) is a writer in Hiligaynon from Iloilo City, Philippines. His works have been published in various publications in the country and he has enjoyed numerous writing workshop fellowships. He has received awards for his writings including the International Meritage Press Prize for his poetry and a Don Carlos Palanca Memorial Award for Literature for his short story in Hiligaynon. He is a member of writing groups in the region, including the Dagyang Pulong Writer's Group, and is a founding Chairman of the Yanggaw: The Capiz Writer's Circle, also sitting as the Chair for the Committee on Literary Arts of the Capiz Council for Culture and Arts. He is a freelance theater actor and an LGBT Advocate. On off times, he likes sipping brewed coffee and puffing cigarettes with or without the company of his good friends.
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