Content Writer, India - Love, Dating and Romance Articles - Write for is a love, dating, relationship and astrology website that receives over 1 million visitors every month. Our audience is largely from North America and Europe., a part of the VMC Infotech network, is looking for talented writers who can research and write on various topics related to love, dating and romance. Prior experience is not essential but an interest in writing on this subject is very important. You must be a voracious reader and be very adept at doing research on this subject online and offline. We're looking for writers who can create original readable content. You'll have access to research material and other resources.
Articles Needed About Thailand
Here is the deal: 1. 25 Articles needed. 2. 100% original content ONLY (This WILL be checked!!). 3. All article topics will be given to you. They will all be about Thailand and may involce travel, reviews, food, shopping, visa and tourist information. You will need to research each topic. 4. All articles will be 750 words long. 5. All articles will have simple images accompanying the article. These can just be found from google images. If the article is about Spicy Food, then the article will have a few simple images of spicy food. 6. MUST have proper grammar and 100% sound like written by a westerner. 7. Any of the above are not correct, the article will NOT be counted and you must redo and or fix any errors. 8. Payment will be made via milestones and released after every set of 5 articles. If this initial 25 articles are done well will lead to weekly on going work.
Arabic to English Translation
I have 35 pages to translate. The pages are not heavy, since they are a lot of tables. The job need to be done by Tuesday noon. Big plus, if experience in pharmaceutic and juridic translation. The file can be provided for the quote,
A DNA qwill be required
Web Journalist Wanted, Singapore
Looking for web journalist. Must be fluent in english and understand new media techniques. email
Concern Infotech is looking for Content Writer in Chennai
B.A / M.A (Eng. Lit.), Journalism or Mass Communication - Excellent English writing and communications skills required. Must be able to rewrite and paraphrase technical and non-technical content. Website content development and conceptualization skills are a must. Ability to write, synopsize and rephrase articles is required. Knowledge of word processing and typing skills is essential. If you enjoy and have a flair for creative and spontaneous writing, this is the job for you.
English to Cambodia (Khmer) Translation
Topic or description of what I need: Business documents translated from English to Cambodian (Khmer). What you need: Ability to speak and type both English and Cambodian (Khmer). Job Size: Document will be approximately 7 pages in length. Quote: Please provide quote per page and quote per word. Time frame for delivery: 3 days turnaround time preferred after document provided to you. Other: Please tell me your education level, experience and why you are an accurate translator. is a love, dating, relationship and astrology website that receives over 1 million visitors every month. Our audience is largely from North America and Europe., a part of the VMC Infotech network, is looking for talented writers who can research and write on various topics related to love, dating and romance. Prior experience is not essential but an interest in writing on this subject is very important. You must be a voracious reader and be very adept at doing research on this subject online and offline. We're looking for writers who can create original readable content. You'll have access to research material and other resources.
Articles Needed About Thailand
Here is the deal: 1. 25 Articles needed. 2. 100% original content ONLY (This WILL be checked!!). 3. All article topics will be given to you. They will all be about Thailand and may involce travel, reviews, food, shopping, visa and tourist information. You will need to research each topic. 4. All articles will be 750 words long. 5. All articles will have simple images accompanying the article. These can just be found from google images. If the article is about Spicy Food, then the article will have a few simple images of spicy food. 6. MUST have proper grammar and 100% sound like written by a westerner. 7. Any of the above are not correct, the article will NOT be counted and you must redo and or fix any errors. 8. Payment will be made via milestones and released after every set of 5 articles. If this initial 25 articles are done well will lead to weekly on going work.
Arabic to English Translation
I have 35 pages to translate. The pages are not heavy, since they are a lot of tables. The job need to be done by Tuesday noon. Big plus, if experience in pharmaceutic and juridic translation. The file can be provided for the quote,
A DNA qwill be required
Web Journalist Wanted, Singapore
Looking for web journalist. Must be fluent in english and understand new media techniques. email
Concern Infotech is looking for Content Writer in Chennai
B.A / M.A (Eng. Lit.), Journalism or Mass Communication - Excellent English writing and communications skills required. Must be able to rewrite and paraphrase technical and non-technical content. Website content development and conceptualization skills are a must. Ability to write, synopsize and rephrase articles is required. Knowledge of word processing and typing skills is essential. If you enjoy and have a flair for creative and spontaneous writing, this is the job for you.
English to Cambodia (Khmer) Translation
Topic or description of what I need: Business documents translated from English to Cambodian (Khmer). What you need: Ability to speak and type both English and Cambodian (Khmer). Job Size: Document will be approximately 7 pages in length. Quote: Please provide quote per page and quote per word. Time frame for delivery: 3 days turnaround time preferred after document provided to you. Other: Please tell me your education level, experience and why you are an accurate translator.