2011 Filipino Animation Artist-in-Residence Program at The Our Lady of Lourdes College Foundation (Camarines Norte)

21 October 2010
2011 Filipino Animation Artist-in-Residence Program at The Our Lady of Lourdes College Foundation (Camarines Norte)
The Our Lady of Lourdes College Foundation (www.ollcf.org) is issuing a call for an animation artist for its 2011 Animation Artist-in-Residence (AAiR-1) Program from June 1 till August 30, 2011 in its campus in Daet, Camarines Norte, Philippines.

The artist will provide productive and instructive interaction with the pool of student animators at the Animation Lab of the OLLCF. He or she will also be provided the time to work on an independent project and be assisted by the same students. Food, accommodation, airfare and a minimal weekly allowance will be provide by OLLCF to the selected artist. Please email bio, qualifications and samples of work to aair.ollcf@yahoo.com. There will be three AAiR programs every year – AAiR-1 from June 1 to August 31, AAiR-2 from September 1 to November 30 and AAiR-3 from January 10 till March 10.

More information here.
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