Triskaideka Books is Open to Submissions (Dark Fiction)

19 September 2010
Triskaideka Books is Open to Submissions (Dark Fiction)
Deadline: open

Triskaideka Books is open to submissions. Our preferred genes: horror / suspense / fantasy / mystery / crime / thriller / YA (same categories). We are looking for books that will knock our socks off. All novels must contain: Horror, suspense, characters we will care for, excellent writing, excellent editing. Do not send us: romance, mills and boon, historical, bizarro, paint by numbers, anything that does not contain dark specific. Electronic submissions preferred. Read our submissions and our guidelines information before submission. And then…..freak us out.


1. Any short stories, books, or other work product submitted to this site remain your property, you own the copyright. All works will be protected by international copyright law. Triskaideka Books purchases worldwide print and electronic rights for a period of one (1) year for short stories and two (2) years for novels/single author collections. Contracts can be cancelled or renewed after this period by agreement between author and publisher.

2. There will be a few limitations on the content of stories accepted. Triskaideka Books is the final arbitrator of what is acceptable.

• Adult content is permissible within the discretion of Triskaideka Books.

• Racism/sexism/bigotry is not allowed at all. However in saying that, we will not restrain your writing. If you have characters with these traits, that is acceptable. A story is a work of fiction. All other forms of “hate” material are not allowed and your story will not be accepted.

• No sexual material containing children will be accepted.

• No music lyrics, quotes or any material that YOU DO NOT OWN, no exceptions. Create your own lyrics

3. By submitting to Triskaideka Books you, the author, accept the following additional terms:

• This site holds no responsibility for your work.

• This site holds no liability should your story be ill-received by the audience, or should you come into any trouble because of it.

• This site is not responsible for the promotion of your work, nor is it liable should your product becomes temporarily unavailable.

• Triskaideka Books may or may not accept your submission, and it may be rejected at any time at our discretion.

• This site holds no responsibility should banshees infest your home due to use of this service.

• This site holds no responsibility should its use cause any damages for loss of profits, goodwill, data or other intangible losses. This site is available “as is” with no warranty.

• This site maintains a strict privacy policy that must be abided by should your work be accepted. The privacy policy is available by clicking the link above.

4. By submitting to Triskaideka Books you, the author, accept these rules by default even should you have not read this document because you have been notified that these terms must be read and accepted before submission.

More information here.
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