Takahe Poetry Competition 2010 (ope to New Zeland and international entries

03 September 2010
Takahe Poetry Competition 2010 (ope to New Zeland and international entries
Deadline: 30 September 2010
Eligibility: open to New Zealand and international entries
Reading/Application Fee: NZ$5.00
Accepts (genre): poeetry
Prize/Payment: $250

This year our poetry competition will be judged by JAMES NORCLIFFE

Two runners up will receive one year's free subscription to Takahe

Unpublished poems of up to 50 lines on any theme will be accepted. Entry Fee: NZ$5.00 per poem. Each poem should be printed on one side of A4 and posted to:

Takahe Poetry Competition 2010
PO Box 13-335
Christchurch 8141
New Zealand

To be received no later than 30 September 2010. No email entries, please. Results will be published in Takahe 71 (December) 2010

Conditions of Entry:

1. Each entry must be the original work of the person submitting it; entries must not have been previously published, or broadcast, and must not be submitted elsewhere for any competition, or for publication in any form, until after the announcement of the results of this competition .

2. Maximum length for each poem submitted is 50 lines.

3. Entrants may submit as many previously unpublished poems as they wish, but each poem must be named separately on the entry form (photocopies or down-loads acceptable). Entry forms may be downloaded from: http://www.takahe.org.nz

4. Each poem must be accompanied by a NZ$5 entry fee, and a stamped, addressed envelope for return of results and/or entry/entries. Overseas entrants can either send an International Reply Coupon with their addressed envelope, or add NZ$2.50 to their total entry fee for handling and postage. Overseas entrants are asked to email admin@takahe.org.nz for advice on payment. A single SAE or substitute will suffice for multiple entries.

5. The entrant’s name or nom de plume must not appear on the manuscript .

6. All entries should be typed on A4 paper.

7. Worldwide copyright of entries will remain with the author.

8. All entries received will be considered for publication in Takahe.

9. The judge’s decision will be final and no correspondence will be entered into.

10. In the event of the competition being cancelled all monies will be refunded.

11. No entries will be returned unless Clause 4 has been complied with.

More information here.
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