Proverse Hong Kong
Email Address:
Editor/Founder: Gillian Bickley
Country: Hong Kong
Type: Press/Publisher
Description: Gillian Bickley and Verner Bickley are Co-Founders of PROVERSE HONG KONG as an independent press(Prose and Verse). In Hong Kong for thirty years. Proverse publishes novels, poetry, travel, non-fiction, sports-related, young teens and academic books. We are also particularly interested in looking at Biographies, Memoirs and Diaries, and academic works in the humanities, social sciences, cultural studies, linguistics and education. We are very happy, after initial discussion, also to consider short stories. The Proverse Prize for unpublished writing is an annual prize first competed for in 2009. This Prize is open to all who are at least eighteen years old when the sign the entry documents.
(Directory entry)
Email Address:
Editor/Founder: Gillian Bickley
Country: Hong Kong
Type: Press/Publisher
Description: Gillian Bickley and Verner Bickley are Co-Founders of PROVERSE HONG KONG as an independent press(Prose and Verse). In Hong Kong for thirty years. Proverse publishes novels, poetry, travel, non-fiction, sports-related, young teens and academic books. We are also particularly interested in looking at Biographies, Memoirs and Diaries, and academic works in the humanities, social sciences, cultural studies, linguistics and education. We are very happy, after initial discussion, also to consider short stories. The Proverse Prize for unpublished writing is an annual prize first competed for in 2009. This Prize is open to all who are at least eighteen years old when the sign the entry documents.
(Directory entry)