Deadline: open
Science Fiction & Fantasy Cookbook
A cookbook for science fiction and fantasy fans. Now accepting submissions for both recipes and stories that are in either genre and contain a food element. A fun way to explore the food side of the genre. We will look at stories from all sub-genres of science fiction and fantasy.
For Fiction Submissions
Short stories should contain both a Science fiction and fantasy element (and all its subgenres) as well as a food aspect. Creativity counts. Be inventive. Food is a broad term. It can relate to hunting, preparations, feasts, bio-engineered food systems, weddings or events that feature food, cooking, eating, gardening, harvests, and so forth. Stories should be within the 2000-5000 range. Feel free to email if you have something longer.
Payment is $25.
How to Submit
Prepare your work for submission. We provide industry standard manuscript guidelines. The more professional your work looks on the page the better chances that it will be accepted.
Introduction Letter
In the body of an email tell us briefly about the recipe or story you're submitting. Tell us briefly about your writing career and include the name of your favorite book and why.
Where to send
Submissions should be sent to The header should be formatted with the publication you're submitting to, whether it is a recipe or story, your title, and the word count. Example: Cookbook: Recipe or Story: Title/word count.
More information here.
Science Fiction & Fantasy Cookbook
A cookbook for science fiction and fantasy fans. Now accepting submissions for both recipes and stories that are in either genre and contain a food element. A fun way to explore the food side of the genre. We will look at stories from all sub-genres of science fiction and fantasy.
For Fiction Submissions
Short stories should contain both a Science fiction and fantasy element (and all its subgenres) as well as a food aspect. Creativity counts. Be inventive. Food is a broad term. It can relate to hunting, preparations, feasts, bio-engineered food systems, weddings or events that feature food, cooking, eating, gardening, harvests, and so forth. Stories should be within the 2000-5000 range. Feel free to email if you have something longer.
Payment is $25.
How to Submit
Prepare your work for submission. We provide industry standard manuscript guidelines. The more professional your work looks on the page the better chances that it will be accepted.
Introduction Letter
In the body of an email tell us briefly about the recipe or story you're submitting. Tell us briefly about your writing career and include the name of your favorite book and why.
Where to send
Submissions should be sent to The header should be formatted with the publication you're submitting to, whether it is a recipe or story, your title, and the word count. Example: Cookbook: Recipe or Story: Title/word count.
More information here.