Filipino and Malaysian Poetry in Translation - Call for Submissions

05 September 2010
Filipino and Malaysian Poetry in Translation - Call for Submissions
Deadline/Date: 1 October 2010


RHINO is still accepting Filipino poetry in translation for its 2011 issue. For your added convenience, we now accept electronic submissions. Please take advantage of this wonderful opportunity to make your voice heard in this award-winning journal. Deadline is October 1. Visit

RHINO Translation Initiative - Call for Submissions

As part of our ongoing interest in international poetry, RHINO has begun a three-year effort to encourage submissions from poets around the Pacific, particularly those in language groups and/or from countries less frequently represented in North American poetry journals.

Each year of the initiative, we will target two or three countries for special outreach. In the first year, RHINO is focusing on poetry from the Philippines and Malaysia. Although the initiative is highlighting poetry-in-translation, poets from the Philippines and Malaysia are also welcome to submit original poetry in English. Of course, we will also continue to consider poetry-in-translation, as well as our usual English language submissions, by poets from all countries.

RHINO editors Angela Narciso Torres and YZ Chin will serve as special editors for outreach efforts to the Philippines and Malaysia, respectively.


RHINO is an award-winning, eclectic, independent, annual poetry journal in the US of more than 33 years' standing. Based in Evanston, Illinois (near Chicago), we publish poems, flash fiction/short-shorts RHINO receives 3000 – 5000 poems yearly. From those, 80-100 poets are selected annually.

Process for Submission:

Submissions must be sent between April 1-October 1, 2010. Please include a cover letter with the poet's contact information, as well as the 3 – 5 poems to be considered. If submitting poetry-in-translation, include the poem in its original language along with the English translation. Simultaneous submissions are accepted. Poets submitting from outside the continental US, may submit via email to: with the subject header: Translation Initiative Submission. (For these electronic submissions, please consolidate your letter and poems into a single WORD document that you attach to your email.) Submissions sent from within the continental US must be in hard copy via the US mail and include an SASE.

More information here.
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