Deadline: open
Eligibility: no restriction
Reading Fee: none
Accepts (genre): novellas, full-length manuscripts: romance, paranormal, fantasy, mystery, sci-fi, suspense, thriller, historical, young adult
Prize/Payment: publication, 40% royalties
We are currently accepting: Novellas, and full-length manuscripts from 20,000-140,000 words.
Genres: Romance, Erotica, GBLT and BDSM, Paranormal, Fantasy, Mystery, Sci-Fi, Suspense, Thriller, Historical, Young Adult.
We are particularly interested in:
* Erotica
* Paranormal (vampire/shapeshifter/witch)
* Romance
* Young Adult
* Longer length novellas and novels
We are currently NOT seeking:
* Short Stories
* Short story collections or anthologies
* Poetry
* Non fiction
* Religious genre fiction. Thematic elements of spiritual beliefs are welcome, but we are not currently publishing stories that fall into the religious category.
How to Submit to Eternal Press:
Submit a cover letter in the body of the email that contains the following:
* Genre
* Word Count
* Brief Synopsis
* A bit about you
* Your marketing plan should we accept your manuscript for publication.
* Although we like to encourage open, free and creative expression, do let us know whether the piece contains any questionable content. For instance, we allow rape under certain circumstances, but it should not be meant to titillate. Writing about child abuse is one thing, but we aren't interested in seeing the acts described in detail.
We do put disclaimers about content if it could potentially disturb our consumers, so do let us know in advance.
Attach the following to your cover letter in .doc or .rtf format (no .docx):
* For stories under 50k: The complete manuscript with your contact information, title, word count, and genre at the top.
* For novels 50k +, the first three chapters and the last chapter, with your contact information, title, word count, and genre at the top
* Your manuscript should contain either 1-1/2 or double spacing and one inch margins. Use a 12 pt. Book Antiqua font.
Send to Eternal Press with a subject line: SUBMISSIONS_your name_book title to...
Eternal Press pays 40% royalties on net revenue to the Author for eBooks and 25% net on revenue for print. We hold all rights for five (5) years from date of publication.
Open to new writers but please follow our guidelines.
*If we accept your manuscript for publication, we will supply you with specific formatting guidelines. You must be able to do edits in MS Word's track changes.
Although we will always primarily function as an eBook publisher, we also offer many of our titles in print.
Eternal Press clearly distinguishes between romance, erotic romance, and erotica. GLBT romance may be any flame level depending on language, theme, the development of the romantic relationship, and sexual frequency and intensity.
Heat levels...
* Sweet -1 flame (anything from no romance to sex behind closed doors)
* Mild -2 flames (can contain several lovemaking scenes, but without graphic language)
* Highly Sensual - 3 flames (can include hot, frequent love scenes, standard for mainstream romance)
* Erotic Romance - 4 flames (includes clinical/graphic terms for body parts and intercourse. Must contain a romantic theme. It may include light BDSM, GBLT, ménage and anal sex as long as its frequency does not outweigh vanilla sex.)
* Erotica-5 flames (highly explicit/graphic/frequent may include heavier use of BDSM, ménage and anal. Not entirely dependent on romance.)
*NOTE. Some websites will ask for a different rating when we sell through them.
We are available in many formats through our Eternal Press website, Fictionwise, Amazon, CoffeeTime Romance, All Romance eBooks, Mobi Pocket, Amazon Digital, Kobo and Content Reserve. The list is continually growing as Content Reserve and LSI distribute eBooks to many other retailers like B&N, Chapters/Indigo, Borders, Books on Board, eBook Mall, book expos and foreign Libraries.
These guidelines are subject to change without notice.
Eternal Press
PO Box 3931
Santa Rosa, CA 95402-9998
More information here.
Eligibility: no restriction
Reading Fee: none
Accepts (genre): novellas, full-length manuscripts: romance, paranormal, fantasy, mystery, sci-fi, suspense, thriller, historical, young adult
Prize/Payment: publication, 40% royalties
We are currently accepting: Novellas, and full-length manuscripts from 20,000-140,000 words.
Genres: Romance, Erotica, GBLT and BDSM, Paranormal, Fantasy, Mystery, Sci-Fi, Suspense, Thriller, Historical, Young Adult.
We are particularly interested in:
* Erotica
* Paranormal (vampire/shapeshifter/witch)
* Romance
* Young Adult
* Longer length novellas and novels
We are currently NOT seeking:
* Short Stories
* Short story collections or anthologies
* Poetry
* Non fiction
* Religious genre fiction. Thematic elements of spiritual beliefs are welcome, but we are not currently publishing stories that fall into the religious category.
How to Submit to Eternal Press:
Submit a cover letter in the body of the email that contains the following:
* Genre
* Word Count
* Brief Synopsis
* A bit about you
* Your marketing plan should we accept your manuscript for publication.
* Although we like to encourage open, free and creative expression, do let us know whether the piece contains any questionable content. For instance, we allow rape under certain circumstances, but it should not be meant to titillate. Writing about child abuse is one thing, but we aren't interested in seeing the acts described in detail.
We do put disclaimers about content if it could potentially disturb our consumers, so do let us know in advance.
Attach the following to your cover letter in .doc or .rtf format (no .docx):
* For stories under 50k: The complete manuscript with your contact information, title, word count, and genre at the top.
* For novels 50k +, the first three chapters and the last chapter, with your contact information, title, word count, and genre at the top
* Your manuscript should contain either 1-1/2 or double spacing and one inch margins. Use a 12 pt. Book Antiqua font.
Send to Eternal Press with a subject line: SUBMISSIONS_your name_book title to...
Eternal Press pays 40% royalties on net revenue to the Author for eBooks and 25% net on revenue for print. We hold all rights for five (5) years from date of publication.
Open to new writers but please follow our guidelines.
*If we accept your manuscript for publication, we will supply you with specific formatting guidelines. You must be able to do edits in MS Word's track changes.
Although we will always primarily function as an eBook publisher, we also offer many of our titles in print.
Eternal Press clearly distinguishes between romance, erotic romance, and erotica. GLBT romance may be any flame level depending on language, theme, the development of the romantic relationship, and sexual frequency and intensity.
Heat levels...
* Sweet -1 flame (anything from no romance to sex behind closed doors)
* Mild -2 flames (can contain several lovemaking scenes, but without graphic language)
* Highly Sensual - 3 flames (can include hot, frequent love scenes, standard for mainstream romance)
* Erotic Romance - 4 flames (includes clinical/graphic terms for body parts and intercourse. Must contain a romantic theme. It may include light BDSM, GBLT, ménage and anal sex as long as its frequency does not outweigh vanilla sex.)
* Erotica-5 flames (highly explicit/graphic/frequent may include heavier use of BDSM, ménage and anal. Not entirely dependent on romance.)
*NOTE. Some websites will ask for a different rating when we sell through them.
We are available in many formats through our Eternal Press website, Fictionwise, Amazon, CoffeeTime Romance, All Romance eBooks, Mobi Pocket, Amazon Digital, Kobo and Content Reserve. The list is continually growing as Content Reserve and LSI distribute eBooks to many other retailers like B&N, Chapters/Indigo, Borders, Books on Board, eBook Mall, book expos and foreign Libraries.
These guidelines are subject to change without notice.
Eternal Press
PO Box 3931
Santa Rosa, CA 95402-9998
More information here.