Deadline/Date: 31 January 2011
Poetry Prize Terms and Conditions
1. Entries must include three (3) hardcopies, 2 completed Entry Forms for each entry and either a Money Order, Cheque or Credit Card authorisation for the entry fee of $22.00 (incl. GST). A receipt will be issued if indicated. Please attach all cheques/money orders firmly to the entry form.
2. Entries must be submitted by last mail or other delivery on Monday 31 January 2011.
3. Entries must be a poem or suite of poems of no more than 200 lines. In a suite of poems there is a discernible relationship between separate poems.
4. Entries must be typed and double-spaced on single-sided A4 paper. Pages must be numbered and securely bound. The title of the work should appear on each page.
5. The author's name must not appear on any page of the work, as all poems will be judged anonymously. Your name should appear on the entry form only.
6. Entries must be the original work of the applicant and must not be published or currently offered for publication or submitted for any other prize.
7. Entrants may submit more than one poem/suite of poems. A separate entry form, and separate entry fee of $22.00 (incl. GST) must accompany each entry.
8. Entries will not be returned, but responsibly destroyed.
9. Any freight or postage of entries must be paid for in advance, organisers will accept NO responsibility for unpaid packages.
10. Entries by fax, e-mail or on disk will not be accepted.
11. Winners and runners-up will be announced on this website. Copyright for a winning poem or suite of poems will remain with the author and is not the property of Griffith University or the Josephine Ulrick and Win Schubert Foundation for the Arts. The author of a winning entry may be invited to submit their work for publication in the Griffith Review. Prize-winning manuscripts will be displayed on a website for information and education purposes.
12. The Judges will be appointed by the School of Humanities, Griffith University. The Judges' decisions regarding the awarding of prizes shall be final and no correspondence will be entered into.
13. Entries must be non-defamatory, must not breach any privacy or intellectual property rights and must not breach the contractual rights of any person.
14. Only Australian residents can enter.
15. There is no age restriction for entry.
16. Employees of Griffith University are not eligible for entry.
17. Award winners will be required to participate in media activities associated with the announcement of the Award.
More information here.
Poetry Prize Terms and Conditions
1. Entries must include three (3) hardcopies, 2 completed Entry Forms for each entry and either a Money Order, Cheque or Credit Card authorisation for the entry fee of $22.00 (incl. GST). A receipt will be issued if indicated. Please attach all cheques/money orders firmly to the entry form.
2. Entries must be submitted by last mail or other delivery on Monday 31 January 2011.
3. Entries must be a poem or suite of poems of no more than 200 lines. In a suite of poems there is a discernible relationship between separate poems.
4. Entries must be typed and double-spaced on single-sided A4 paper. Pages must be numbered and securely bound. The title of the work should appear on each page.
5. The author's name must not appear on any page of the work, as all poems will be judged anonymously. Your name should appear on the entry form only.
6. Entries must be the original work of the applicant and must not be published or currently offered for publication or submitted for any other prize.
7. Entrants may submit more than one poem/suite of poems. A separate entry form, and separate entry fee of $22.00 (incl. GST) must accompany each entry.
8. Entries will not be returned, but responsibly destroyed.
9. Any freight or postage of entries must be paid for in advance, organisers will accept NO responsibility for unpaid packages.
10. Entries by fax, e-mail or on disk will not be accepted.
11. Winners and runners-up will be announced on this website. Copyright for a winning poem or suite of poems will remain with the author and is not the property of Griffith University or the Josephine Ulrick and Win Schubert Foundation for the Arts. The author of a winning entry may be invited to submit their work for publication in the Griffith Review. Prize-winning manuscripts will be displayed on a website for information and education purposes.
12. The Judges will be appointed by the School of Humanities, Griffith University. The Judges' decisions regarding the awarding of prizes shall be final and no correspondence will be entered into.
13. Entries must be non-defamatory, must not breach any privacy or intellectual property rights and must not breach the contractual rights of any person.
14. Only Australian residents can enter.
15. There is no age restriction for entry.
16. Employees of Griffith University are not eligible for entry.
17. Award winners will be required to participate in media activities associated with the announcement of the Award.
More information here.