Deadline: open
Geographical Restrictions: none
Reading Fee: none
Accepts (genre): essays, papers
Prize/Payment: publication
Articles submitted to the journal for publication should be original contributions and should not be under consideration for any other publication at the same time.
Two copies of the articles should be submitted, typed with double spacing, to the Editor at the above address. The article should be accompanied by a short biographical note about the author and a summary of between 50-1000 words describing the main points of the article.
For notes and references, authors may adopt the social science practice of inserting author’s surname, date and page(s) where appropriate in the text, or the other practice of indicating notes in the text by consecutive raised numerals with footnotes appearing either at the bottom of the page or at the end of the article. Whichever practice is chosen should be adopted consistently throughout. A reference list containing all the works referred to in the article should also be compiled and given at the end of the article, listing alphabetically by author’s name or by name of sponsoring body as in the examples below.
1. Hobsbawm, Eric J., 1974, Primitive Rebels, Manchester: Manchester University Press.
2. Zainal Abidin bin Ahmad, 1951, “Some Malay legendary tales”, Journal of the Malayan Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, Vol. XXIV, Part I.
3. Federation of Malaya, 1956, Final Report of the Rice Committee, Kuala Lumpur: Government Printing Office.
It would be greatly appreciated if particular attention be paid to the following points:
Malay Language
Use the system given in T.Iskandar, 1985, Kamus Dewan, Kuala Lumpur: Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, 2nd ed.
Use square brackets [ ] to enclose explanatory matter inserted into a verbatim quotation, or matter inserted to complete the meaning of a translation and intended to read as part of the translation. The translation of the title of a book or article in a foreign language, if given, should be placed after the original title; if the translation is the contributor’s, enclose it in square brackets; if it appears in the work itself enclose it in round brackets.
Abbreviations and Numbers
Abbreviations may be used for frequently cited periodicals and other works if listed in the first footnote of the article.
Spell out numbers (except dates and page numbers) of less than three digits except in footnotes and in material in which numbers are frequently used.
More information here.