The Review of English Studies Essay Prize

16 August 2010
The Review of English Studies Essay Prize
Deadline: 30 September 2010
Geographical Restrictions: open to writers in UK or abroad
Reading Fee: none
Accepts (genre): essays
Prize/Payment: $250

2010 RES Essay Prize

The Review of English Studies is now inviting entries for its 2010 Essay Prize. The RES Essay Prize aims to encourage scholarship amongst postgraduate research students in Britain and abroad. The essay can be on any topic of English literature or the English language from the earliest period to the present.
The prize

The winner will receive:

* Publication of the winning essay in the 2011 volume of The Review of English Studies
* A cash prize of £250
* £250 worth of OUP books
* A free year's subscription to The Review of English Studies

How to enter

Entries should be submitted through our online submission system. Dubmit your paper any time between 1 July 2010 and the closing date, 30 September 2010.

The competition rules

The competition is open to anyone studying for a higher degree, or who completed one no earlier than October 2007. The winner's student status verification will be requested from their academic supervisor or head of department. The entry must not be under consideration for publication elsewhere.

Editorial statement of The Review of English Studies:

The Review of English Studies is the leading scholarly journal of English literature and the English language from the earliest period to the present. Emphasis is on historical scholarship rather than interpretative criticism, though fresh readings of authors and texts are also offered in light of newly discovered sources or new interpretation of known material.

The Review of English Studies (RES) is pleased to continue the sponsorship of the RES Essay Prize , launched in 1999. The aim of The RES Essay Prize is to encourage ine scholarship amongst postgraduate research students in Britain and abroad. The essay can be from the earliest period to the present.

The Prize

The winner’s prize will consist of:
1. Publication of the winning essay in the 2011 volume of The Review of English Studies
2. A cash prize of £250
3. £250 worth of Oxford University Press books
4. One year’s free subscription to RES

Other entries of suficient quality may be invited to publish.

The entry requirements and rules are as follows:

• The RES Essay Prize is open to anyone currently studying for a higher degree, in Britain or abroad, or to anyone who completed such a degree no earlier than October 2007, except employees of Oxford University Press and other persons connected to Oxford University Press
• Essays are to be no longer than 10,000 words , inclusive of all footnotes and references
• The closing date for entries will be 30 September 2010
• The prize-winner will be notiied by 31 January 2011
• The winner of the RES prize will be obliged to verify his or her status as a current or recent
postgraduate student
• Essays can be on any topic or period of English literature or the English language, provided that they fulill the requirements of the editorial statement of The Review of English Studies , as reproduced above
• Entries submitted to the RES Essay Prize must not be under consideration for publication elsewhere
• It is a condition of entry that all entrants will be prepared to licence copyright in all media in their entries to Oxford University Press if accepted for publication
• The decision of the judges will be inal, and no correspondence will be entered into by the Editors
• No alternative prizes will be available
• In the unlikely event that, in the judges’ opinion, the material submitted is not of a suitable standard, no prize or prizes will be awarded
• All entries will be subject to the normal RES standards of referring and editorial review the review of english studies essay prize

Instructions to authors

1. Submissions
Submissions for the essay competition must arrive no later than 30 September 2010.
Please send your entries via the online submission system which you can ind from the journal’s homepage at Click on the ‘Submit Now’ link and select ‘Essay Prize’ from the drop-down menu in the ‘Manuscript Type’ box. If you need assistance regarding the online submission system, please click on the ‘Online Submission Instructions’ link. It is the responsibility of the author to secure permission for the reproduction of illustrations and quotations from copyrighted material.

2. Presentation

a) Manuscripts
• All material should be double spaced; leave ample margins (unjustiied to the right) and number pages consecutively.
• An abstract of about 200 words summarizing the main points of the submission should appear before the main text commences. When you submit your entry using the online submission system, please ensure you include your abstract in the separate box and also at the start of your essay. The abstract of the prize-winning essay will appear both in the journal and online.
• Number footnotes consecutively throughout the paper. Type the footnotes in double spacing at the end of the manuscript, commencing on a separate sheet. An initial unnumbered footnote may be included giving brief acknowledgements.

More information here.
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