Asia Writes's featured writer Nicholas Y.B. Wong won first place in The Medulla Review's Oblongata Contest #3. His poem "All about My Mother" is now featured in the site.
Nicholas Y.B. Wong lectures film studies and contemporary literatures in English at the Hong Kong Institute of Education. His academic articles have appeared in Asian Cinema, Screen Education and Metro Magazine. His poems and short stories have recently appeared in Asia Writes, Taj Mahal Review, Fag/Hag: A Scandalous Chapbook of Fabulously Codependent Poetry, pyrta journal, 6S: The Green Bike Stories,, Cha, Qarrtsiluni, Fifty-fifty: New Hong Kong Writing, among others. His poem “Lives” has been shortlisted in 2009 Chroma International Queer Writing Competition and he is honoured to be chosen as the Spotlight Poet by this zine in its Sept/Oct issue, where eight of his new poems will be featured. He is currently an MFA Candidate at the City University of Hong Kong.
About the Medulla Review
The Medulla Review is a literary journal that caters to experimental and surreal writing, a place in the hindbrain where breathing, swallowing, and circulation are done through words, a venue for those who believe in creating reality. Submissions for Oblongata Contest #4 will be open for submissions from August 1, 2010 until August 25, 2010.
More information here.
About the Medulla Review
The Medulla Review is a literary journal that caters to experimental and surreal writing, a place in the hindbrain where breathing, swallowing, and circulation are done through words, a venue for those who believe in creating reality. Submissions for Oblongata Contest #4 will be open for submissions from August 1, 2010 until August 25, 2010.
More information here.