Deadline: 31 October 2010
Eligibility: open to students in India
Reading Fee: none
Accepts (genre): essays
Prize/Payment: $500
International Essay Competition, India 2010
The Institute for the Study of Secularism in Society and Culture (ISSSC) was established at Trinity College, Hartford, Connecticut, USA, in 2005 to advance understanding of the forms and roles of political secularism and personal secularity around the world. Nonpartisan and multidisciplinary, the Institute conducts academic research (such as the American Religious Identification Survey 2008 and the Worldviews of Scientists-India 2007-08), publishes books and papers, organizes conferences, sponsors curriculum development, and presents public events. As part of its goal of identifying and encouraging scholarly excellence concerning secularism and secularity, ISSSC is sponsoring an essay competition.
Topic of this year’s essay competition: “Secularism in the world today: Challenges and prospects.”
Length of essay: Up to 2,000 words.
Questions that may be addressed: Are there distinguishable forms of secularism and/or secularity in the world today? What are the cultural and social consequences or outcomes of (various forms of) political secularism, personal secularity, or secularization? What are the cultural and social functions of a distinction between the “religious” and “secular”?
Qualities the reviewers will be looking for: Originality, insight; cogency of argument; clarity of exposition; strength of evidence.
• Any student who is currently enrolled in a program of study leading to an advanced degree in an accredited institution of higher learning in India.
• The study may be enrolled in any field of study.
• Each applicant may submit only one essay.
• The essay must be an original work and one that has not been published.
• All quoted, copyrighted, or previously published material should be properly cited and reference in accordance with standard scholarly practice. Failure to do so will result in disqualification.
• There is no cost to enter the competition.
Submission Deadline: No later than October 31, 2010.
• First-place winner will receive $500 US.
• Essays considered worthy of Honorable Mention will be published on the ISSSC Web site. The essayists will receive book prizes of ISSSC publications.
Essay submission and use:
• Presented in Times New Roman 12 font or comparable type.
• Double-spaced.
• In English.
• A separate cover page should include:
1. Title
2. Author
3. Academic department (of degree program) and college/university
4. Degree program in which enrolled
5. Contact information (email and mailing addresses, telephone number)
6. Age
7. Gender
Contents of text:
• Should include a 100-word abstract.
• Not include or make direct reference to the author’s name/identity/affiliation (to ensure impartiality in the review process).
• Include the title on the first page, followed by the text, double-spaced.
• Include title (or title phrase) and page numbers at the bottom of each page.
Each submission must include two files:
• The cover page/application form.
• The essay text.
The essays should be submitted electronically to: Secularism.essay@trincoll.edu.
Additional information:
• The decision of the contest committee is final, and no appeals will be recognized.
• The ISSSC reserves the right to edit, publish or otherwise duplicate any submitted essay (in full and without editorial modification, unless made with the applicant’s approval).
• The awards will be announced in early 2011.
Award procedure: The essays that meet the above mentioned criteria will be examined by a review committee consisting of Trinity College faculty and ISSSC fellows. The authors’ identities will be concealed to ensure impartiality among reviewers.
For additional information, contact: Secularism.essay@trincoll.edu.
More information here.