Deadline: 10 September 2010
Eligibility: no restrictions
Reading Fee: none
Accepts (genre): papers
Prize/Payment: publication
We are accepting submissions for the 2011 volume of The International Journal of the Humanities.
The International Journal of the Humanities provides a space for dialogue and publication of new knowledge which builds on the past traditions of the humanities whilst setting a renewed agenda for their future. The humanities are a domain of learning, reflection and action, and a place of dialogue between and across epistemologies, perspectives and content areas. It is in these unsettling places that the humanities might be able to unburden modern knowledge systems of their restrictive narrowness.
Discussions in The International Journal of the Humanities range from the broad and speculative to the microcosmic and empirical. Its over-riding concern, however, is to redefine our understandings of the human and mount a case for the disciplinary practices of the humanities. At a time when the dominant rationalisms are running a course that often seem draw humanity towards less than satisfactory ends, this journal reopens the question of the human—for highly pragmatic as well as redemptory reasons.
The journal is relevant for academics across the whole range of humanities disciplines, research students, educators—school, university and further education—anyone with an interest in, and concern for the humanities.
Refereeing of submitted papers will commence shortly so start the submission process early by submitting your proposal.
For 2011 Volume of the Journal:
* Current Journal Submission Deadline: Friday 10 September 2010
* Conference Proposal Submission Deadline: Check the Submit Proposal page for the closing date of the next round in the call for papers.
Important dates:
* 8 March 2011: Final date for submission of papers for double blind refereeing —3 months prior to the start of the conference (for an explanation, see the Peer Referee Process link).
* 8-11 June 2011: The International Journal of the Humanities, Universidad de Granada, Campus La Cartuja, Granada, Spain.
* 11 July 2011: Final date for submission of papers for one way blind refereeing —one month after the close of the conference (for an explanation, see the Peer Referee Process link).
Please direct publication enquiries to the journal administrators at:
More information here.
Eligibility: no restrictions
Reading Fee: none
Accepts (genre): papers
Prize/Payment: publication
We are accepting submissions for the 2011 volume of The International Journal of the Humanities.
The International Journal of the Humanities provides a space for dialogue and publication of new knowledge which builds on the past traditions of the humanities whilst setting a renewed agenda for their future. The humanities are a domain of learning, reflection and action, and a place of dialogue between and across epistemologies, perspectives and content areas. It is in these unsettling places that the humanities might be able to unburden modern knowledge systems of their restrictive narrowness.
Discussions in The International Journal of the Humanities range from the broad and speculative to the microcosmic and empirical. Its over-riding concern, however, is to redefine our understandings of the human and mount a case for the disciplinary practices of the humanities. At a time when the dominant rationalisms are running a course that often seem draw humanity towards less than satisfactory ends, this journal reopens the question of the human—for highly pragmatic as well as redemptory reasons.
The journal is relevant for academics across the whole range of humanities disciplines, research students, educators—school, university and further education—anyone with an interest in, and concern for the humanities.
Refereeing of submitted papers will commence shortly so start the submission process early by submitting your proposal.
For 2011 Volume of the Journal:
* Current Journal Submission Deadline: Friday 10 September 2010
* Conference Proposal Submission Deadline: Check the Submit Proposal page for the closing date of the next round in the call for papers.
Important dates:
* 8 March 2011: Final date for submission of papers for double blind refereeing —3 months prior to the start of the conference (for an explanation, see the Peer Referee Process link).
* 8-11 June 2011: The International Journal of the Humanities, Universidad de Granada, Campus La Cartuja, Granada, Spain.
* 11 July 2011: Final date for submission of papers for one way blind refereeing —one month after the close of the conference (for an explanation, see the Peer Referee Process link).
Please direct publication enquiries to the journal administrators at:
More information here.