Featured Poem: Revelations by R.K. Singh

31 August 2010
Featured Poem: Revelations by R.K. Singh

Widening cracks      leaking roofs
choked drains in the courtyard
water logging and myriad
such small things make rains a pain

there’s no romance in rainbow
I can’t shape colours of morning
morning shapes my colour:

I’m the victim of my views
that shape my head each day
realities and yoga conspire

drinks and pills deride from clothesline
flowers and trees speak in grey
compost of years oozes no wisdom

whatever the poetry     it stinks
idols on the beasts and cattle
overload the carriage
I can’t deliver the burden

prostrate and worship
touch the feet      foolishness
make me small      frustrate
sitting in the dust      degrade

it’s long fog      with blurred sight
virtually blind      no seer
no revelations

R.K. Singh is a university professor who has authored twelve collections of poems, the latest being Sense and Silence: Collected Poems: 1974-2009 published by Yking Books, Jaipur. He has received several awards and honours, including the honorary Doctor of Letters from the World Academy of Arts and Culture, Taiwan, in 1984; Michael Madhusudan Award, Calcutta, in 1994; and Peace Museum Award from Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto, in 1999.
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