Hi, My friends, remember Fantasy Short Story Contest, Fantasy Fiesta 2009?
Those who still remember, it's time to continue the tradition, which everyone knows will be a milestone in the progress of a fictional fantasy world in Indonesia.
Terms and Conditions:
• The story is original work of the participant, not adaptation or plagiarism.
o The story has not been published previously in print or electronic media.
o The story is in Indonesian language
o The story contains a minimum of 2500 words and 3000 words maximum.
• To be participant, Your friends must register by sending an e-mail to the address fantasyfiesta2010@gmail.com with the title 'Registration Fiesta Fantasy Short Story Competition 2010', at the latest on August 23, 2010, and contains the following:
o Pen-name
o Name (complete)
o Address
o Story, attached in Microsoft Word form
• Stories submitted by participants will be collected and displayed on the site http://kastilfantasi.com/forum.
Winners and Prizes:
• The three best stories aka winners will be announced on August 31, 2010 at http://kastilfantasi.com/forum.
• The prizes are:
o First Winners will get prizes of shopping vouchers / cash valued at USD 400
o Both winners will receive prizes of shopping vouchers / cash valued at USD 250
o The three winners will receive prizes of shopping vouchers / cash valued at USD 150
o In addition, the winners will also receive books published by Pustaka Publisher Adhika
More information here.
Those who still remember, it's time to continue the tradition, which everyone knows will be a milestone in the progress of a fictional fantasy world in Indonesia.
Terms and Conditions:
• The story is original work of the participant, not adaptation or plagiarism.
o The story has not been published previously in print or electronic media.
o The story is in Indonesian language
o The story contains a minimum of 2500 words and 3000 words maximum.
• To be participant, Your friends must register by sending an e-mail to the address fantasyfiesta2010@gmail.com with the title 'Registration Fiesta Fantasy Short Story Competition 2010', at the latest on August 23, 2010, and contains the following:
o Pen-name
o Name (complete)
o Address
o Story, attached in Microsoft Word form
• Stories submitted by participants will be collected and displayed on the site http://kastilfantasi.com/forum.
Winners and Prizes:
• The three best stories aka winners will be announced on August 31, 2010 at http://kastilfantasi.com/forum.
• The prizes are:
o First Winners will get prizes of shopping vouchers / cash valued at USD 400
o Both winners will receive prizes of shopping vouchers / cash valued at USD 250
o The three winners will receive prizes of shopping vouchers / cash valued at USD 150
o In addition, the winners will also receive books published by Pustaka Publisher Adhika
More information here.