Deadline: 8 September 2010
Geographical coverage: pen to all writers in English, regardless of nationality
Reading Fee: $15
Accepts (genre): short stories up to 5,000 words
Prize/Payment: $1,000
Contact: submit online
Judge: Jim Lynch
Winner: $1,000 and publication in the Bear Deluxe Magazine
Finalists (2): Honorable mention in the Bear Deluxe Magazine
Submission Guidelines:
We welcome submissions of previously unpublished short stories up to 5,000 words, relating to a sense of place or the natural world, interpreted as broadly or narrowly as you wish. If you are not familiar with the Bear Deluxe Magazine, a sample copy of Issue: #29, (in which the 2008 winner and one finalist appear) is available through mail for $5 at the address below. Issue #26 (featuring the 2007 winner and two finalists) is available for $5 as well. When requesting sample copies, indicate your preferred issues.
Simultaneous submissions are not permitted. Multiple submissions are allowed but must be mailed separately with separate entry fees. Upon acceptance, Orlo and the Bear Deluxe Magazine assume first-and one-time print publishing rights, and Web-publishing rights for the period of one year following print publication.
About the Judge:
Jim Lynch is the author of the acclaimed and award-winning novels, The Highest Tide and Border Songs (Alfred A. Knopf). He has worked as a journalist in Alaska, Washington, D.C., and across the Pacific Northwest, winning a number of national reporting honors.
Entries must be postmarked by September 8, 2010. Mail your entry to:
Doug Fir Fiction Award
Orlo/Bear Deluxe Magazine
810 SE Belmont #5
Portland, OR 97214 USA
or submit online
Entry Requirements:
- An entry fee of $15. Make your check or money order in U.S. dollars, drawn on a U.S. bank, payable to Orlo/the Bear Deluxe Magazine. All entrants receive a copy of the issue in which the winner appears. All entry fees are nonrefundable.
- A self-addressed, stamped envelope for notification of contest results.
Manuscript Format Guidelines:
Manuscripts must be typed and double-spaced on 8 1/2 x 11 inch paper. The author's name must not appear anywhere on the manuscript. Please submit two title pages: one with the story title, author's name, address, telephone number and email address; and one with just the story title.
- Your submitted story must be an original work of which you are the sole author. Submitted stories must be unpublished in both print and Web formats.
- This competition is open to all writers in English, regardless of nationality.
- The Bear Deluxe Magazine reserves the right to edit the winning story for length and clarity upon consultation with the author.
- No entry fees or manuscripts will be returned.
- Participating writers will be notified no later than January 15, 2011, of the award results.
More information here.