Call for Submissions: Humanistic Buddhism

22 August 2010
Call for Submissions: Humanistic Buddhism
Deadline: no mention
Geographical Restrictions: none
Reading Fee: none
Accepts (genre): papers, book reviews
Prize/Payment: publication

International Journal for the Study of Humanistic Buddhism
Centre for the Study of Humanistic Buddhism, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

The International Journal for the Study of Humanistic Buddhism is to provide a platform for Buddhist studies. It invites scholars to contribute their research on Buddhism in general and humanistic Buddhism in particular. It also welcomes the contribution of research on engaged Buddhism and contemporary Buddhism the worldwide. The journal aims at enhancing the quality of academic research, strengthening collaboration and mutual understanding among scholars from the East and the West, building up interaction between Buddhist circle and academic society, integrating Buddhist teaching and research, and promoting Buddhist culture.

The journal is bilingual of Chinese and English. Every issue focuses on one or two topics and covers following categories:

1. Hermeneutic interpretation of Buddhist Canon in connection with the theoretic foundation and practices of Humanistic Buddhism.

2. The historical survey and doctrinal studies on the various Buddhist traditions and schools.

3. Exploration and introduction of theories and methodologies in Buddhist studies

4. Case studies on Buddhist engagement with the society, politics, economics, charity and voluntarism etc.

5. Book reviews

Submission Guidelines

1. Content of Submission: Research papers, articles, research notes, specialized discussion and book reviews in both English and Chinese are welcomed.

2. Text style for submission:
a) In Chinese (Tradition/simplified) - Font: PMingLiu; size: 12; writing from left to right horizontally
b) In English - Font: Arial; size: 12

3. Please submit papers/articles in Microsoft Word compatible format.

4. Length and Capacity of submission:
a) Papers in English should not exceed 30 pages, (A4, double-spaced) and reviews should not exceed 8 pages in length.
b) Papers in Chinese should not exceed 20,000 characters and reviews should not exceed 5,000 characters.
c) Exceptions can occasionally be made in special cases.

5. On the cover page of submission, please include Chinese or English version of the title, the author's name, the institution the author is affiliated with and the title. Please also state contact
details such as, correspondence address, contact phone number, fax number and email address. Except on the cover page, authors are requested to provide manuscripts that contain no identifying information, in order to preserve their anonymity during anonymous peer review.

6. Format of papers and articles writing:
a) Title
b) Abstract in English or Chinese (approx. 500 words)
c) Keywords in English or Chinese (approx. 5 words)
d) Main body
e) List of works cited should be appended to all papers

7. The International Journal for the Study of Humanistic Buddhism will be published half yearly in printed formats. Calling for papers is continuous throughout the year; submitted papers once received, will be categorized and sent to the reviewing panel for anonymous peer review.
The reviewing panel consists of scholars of relevant profession.

8. Submitted papers must be previously unpublished (for papers presented at a conference, please make sure that no conference proceedings were or will be published) and are subject to approval by our reviewing panel. Authors who have already published an article in
another journal or on a website should not attempt to publish it again in the International Journal for the Study of Humanistic Buddhism. If it is found that an author has published the same article with another institution, we reserve the right to refuse publication of the author's
articles in the future.

9. After the paper has been accepted for publication in International Journal for the Study of Humanistic Buddhism, we wholly own the copyright for the articles. Anyone, regardless of the purpose, must obtain our permission to reprint (abridged versions) or translate articles, unless otherwise agreed.

10. After the paper has been accepted, the property right is given to the International Journal for the Study of Humanistic Buddhism and is also given to our authorized academic and research institutes and databases that this publication may appear in, to be provided on the
Internet for user downloading, printing, browsing, etc.

11. We do not offer an honorarium. Authors of published papers will be sent 2 free copies of International Journal for the Study of Humanistic Buddhism.

12. Submissions written in Chinese should follow either APA or MLA format. (A list of works cited should be appended to all papers.)

13. Submissions written in English should follow The Harvard Citation Style.

14. Submissions with format that do not meet the guide for submission will be returned to authors for editing and resubmission.

15. Mail all materials to: Centre for the Study of Humanistic Buddhism, Rm. 502, 5/F, Hui Yeung Shing Building, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, N.T., Hong Kong or email us at: Please indicate on the envelope or in the subject line of email: Submission for the International Journal for the Study of Humanistic Buddhism.

More information here.
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