LOVE and MARRIAGE…two topics that have inspire writers, well, ever since there were writers. That's why we want to read your TRUE stories of ardent courtships, eloquent and passionate proposals, beautiful weepy wedding days and happily-ever-after marriages. Or make us smile, chuckle or laugh out loud at stories with less than perfect outcomes.
MyRomanceStory's romance-loving editors will pick the Grand Prize, 2nd and 3rd place winners and two runners up out of all approved entries. Our readers—that’s you, your friends, family, co-workers and the rest of the world—will vote for the Reader’s Favorite. See the prize page for a list of prize packages.
Since the purpose of this contest is to share a story we’ve changed the rules from our other writing contests. All stories must be between 100 and 500 words and have a beginning, middle and end. Please don’t send us short random thoughts or dashed off sentences. Instead send us something to grab us at the start…intrigue us in the middle…and leave everyone with tears or a silly grin at the end!
We welcome submissions from all writers and writer-wantabes. This is not a contest limited to experienced or published writers. Everyone has a story to tell. Often the most touching, enjoyable story is not the one with all the commas in the right places, it is the story written with your heart. Still make it the best you can to melt the hearts of our oh, so picky editors. Don’t they deserve a little romance in their lives too?
Remember we are looking for TRUE stories, but it doesn’t have to be about your courtship, wedding, or marriage. Tells us about your parent's inspiring love story, the wedding a cousin put together in a day or your best friend’s runaway groom. But change the names and any obvious identifying information to protect the innocent and the guilty.
More information here.