Language Learning and Technology Journal

24 July 2010
Language Learning and Technology Journal
Language Learning & Technology is a refereed journal which began publication in July 1997. The journal seeks to disseminate research to foreign and second language educators in the US and around the world on issues related to technology and second language education.

General Policies

The following policies apply to all submissions:

1. The journal now requires that all article submissions be uploaded through our new online management system at

You will be asked to first register and log in to use the online system. Complete instructions are provided on the site. Please contact the Managing Editor ( if you experience difficulty.

2. Manuscripts that have already been published or are being considered for publication elsewhere will not be considered. If your submission is part of a larger study or if you have used the same data in whole or in part in other papers published or under review, you must write a cover letter stating where the paper is published/under review and describing how the current submission to LLT makes a different and distinct contribution to the field.

3. All article submissions should conform to the requirements of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th edition). Authors are strongly encouraged to have their manuscripts proofread by an editor familiar with English academic prose and APA guidelines. Both American and British English spelling conventions are acceptable. Authors are responsible for the accuracy of all references and citations.

4. The online management system will automatically convert your uploaded files into HTML and PDF formats. All article submissions must be in Microsoft Word (.DOC) format. Images, tables, figures, appendices, and audio/video files should be uploaded separately. Images should be uploaded separately as .JPG, .TIF, .EPS, or .GIF files. More details can be found on under User Tutorials.

5. Authors are strongly encouraged to take advantage of the electronic format by including hypermedia links to multimedia and other materials both within and outside the manuscript.

6. List the names, institutions, e-mail addresses, and if applicable, WWW addresses (URLs), of all authors. Include a 50-word biographical statement for each author. This information will be temporarily removed during the blind review.

7. Authors of accepted manuscripts will assign to LLT the permanent right to electronically distribute their article, but authors will retain copyright. Authors may republish their work (in print and/or electronic format) as long as they acknowledge LLT as the original publisher.

8. Requests for republication should be addressed to the author(s). LLT should be acknowledged as the original publisher.

9. The editors of LLT reserve the right to make editorial changes to manuscripts accepted for publication for the sake of style or clarity. Authors will be consulted only if the changes are substantive.

10. Minor edits will be made within 14 days after publication. Post-publication changes involving content will be made only if there is a problem with comprehensibility. Such changes will be accompanied by a note of revision. External links will be validated at the time of publication. Broken links will be fixed at the author’s request.

More information here.
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