Call for Submissions: Diverse Voices Quarterly

24 July 2010
Call for Submissions: Diverse Voices Quarterly
There are many fantastic literary journals out there, looking specifically for submissions from women, feminists, gays/lesbians, Jewish, Christian, African-American, et al. In creating this online literary journal, we’re providing an outlet for AND by everyone: every age, race, gender, sexual orientation, and religious background. This journal will, in essence, celebrate and unify diversity.

Submission Guidelines

Diverse Voices Quarterly is published as a PDF, available for download. Unfortunately, we can’t pay, but what beats exposure?

We welcome submissions from all!


3-5 poems, 40 lines MAX. Please send in one file, separated by a page break between poems.

Short stories:

3,000 words MAX. You may submit up to two short shorts that add up to 1,000 words.

Personal essays/creative nonfiction:

3,000 words MAX. Send only one essay at a time.

Artwork and photography accepted in .jpg or .png format. Send only two high-quality images at a time.

–Simultaneous submissions are accepted but multiple submissions are not. Read about the difference between multiple and simultaneous submissions.

–We will not read any material previously published online; this includes works published in other online journals or from any message board or blogs.

–While we will read submissions from everyone, the work MUST BE in English.

–We prefer submissions for prose and poetry through our online submission manager.

If sending artwork, send via e-mail:

–Be sure to include your last name and “Artwork” or “Photography” in the subject line.

–Include a cover letter, a short bio, and your complete contact information in the body of the e-mail.

–Only two images at a time.

–Send your submission to: submissions @ diversevoicesquarterly . com (delete spaces before sending).

More information here.
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