4:00pm - 5:00pm
Urbanscapes 2010, KLPAC
Hello beautiful people!
Urbanscapes 2010 is gonna be HUGE and probably one of the best opportunities to share some well deserved poetry love. So we've decided to join in the happy ruckus and contribute to the scene with a poetry performance session!
As you guys are aware, there's gonna be a massive gotong royong activity this Saturday morning where volunteers will be moving a specially designed house from Jalan Ipoh right into the heart of Urbanscapes i.e. KLPAC. This same house will then be turned into a performing space and that's where we are going to be! :)
About Projek Angkat Rumah: http://www.urbanscapes.com.my/news/2010/6/15/projek-angkat-rumah.html
So bring a mat/tikar, a picnic basket and many many many friends & family members to KLPAC this Saturday and just enjoy an eclectic array of performances at the Rumah Kampung, back to back.
More information here.