Prequel Title Contest

06 June 2010
Prequel Title Contest
CONTEST ANNOUNCEMENT! Readers and Writers Wanted...
Deadline June 11th

Assignment: I dont have a working title to my upcoming novel, the prequel to Heart of the Jaguar. The rules are simple: Come up with a possible title to the prequel.

Entry Fee: No entry fee, just follow the directions carefully, and if you RETWEET this info, blog, or share this link, contact me via email to receive a free PDF Ebook to HEART OF THE JAGUAR.

How to enter:

1. Read the first 7 drafted chapters found on my blog- to get a sense of the trilogy's plot. If you've already read the first novel, that's a plus. The drafted chapters start with chapter 7, so scroll all the way down until you reach Chapter 1.

2. Once you've read the chapters, fill out the form below, and in the comments section PLEASE Type PREQUEL TITLE CONTEST, along with the title you think would best suit the PREQUEL.

3. Only ONE title per entry is allowed. More than one title sent will be disqualified.

Prize Categories:

1st PLACE: $50 Gift card to Starbucks, Barnes & Noble, Walmart, HEB or Target-- and if I chose that title for final publication, a credit with your name on the acknowledgment page of the book and 1 autographed copy my first novel.

2nd PLACE: $25 Gift Card to Starbucks, Barnes & Noble, Walmart, HEB or Target and 1 autographed copy of my first novel

3rd PLACE: $10 Gift Card to Starbucks, Barnes & Noble, Walmart, HEB or Target and 1 autographed copy of my first novel

Honorable Mention: $5 Gift Card to Starbucks, Barnes & Noble, Walmart, HEB or Target

Contest Deadline and Announcement:
The contest closes June 11th, 11:59 p.m. any entries received after that will be disqualified. The winner will be announced Monday, June 14th on my Facebook, Myspace, Twitter and this Site. Best of luck!

More information here.
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