Pain/Pleasure Anthology ($500 for Accepted Stories)

26 June 2010
Pain/Pleasure Anthology ($500 for Accepted Stories)
I confess that when Berkley asked me to put this together, I thought I would have to strong arm some people (20 of them) into writing me a short story but there is quite a bit of interest in contributing to this collection.

I am looking for stories of 5,000 word length (you can go slightly over but you won’t be paid more) about the concept of the twin emotions of pain and pleasure. The submissions must be full (the story complete) and turned in to me litte. jane at gmail dot com by October 1 as an MS Word Attachment with the subject line: Pain/Pleasure Anthology Submission.

The submission can be, generally, anything with a strong erotic content. There is no limitation on genre. I definitely want a lot of variety such as m/m, femdom, diversity in characters. The work can have been published on your website but it cannot have been sold in publication.

I will be paying $500 for each submission with .25% royalty in exchange for world digital, audio and print rights.

More information here.
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