Journal of Chinese Studies
Email Address:
Editor/Consultant: Chan Hok-lam
Country: China
Type: Academic journal
Description: The Journal of Chinese Studies is managed by an editorial board headed by a chairman who serves as chief editor and assisted by an associate editor. Past chairmen included Professor Ch'uan Han-sheng (1968-78) and Professor D.C. Lau (1979-94). The current chairman and associate editor are Professor Chan Hok-lam and Dr. Chu Kwok-fan. They are appointed by the Director of the Institute of Chinese Studies. The Journal was founded in September 1968 under the name of The Journal of the Institute of Chinese Studies of The Chinese University of Hong Kong; 22 volumes had been published under this title. It was superseded by the current title, in 1992, and the inaugural issue was designated the commemorative volume of the twenty-fifth anniversary of the Institute. Volumes 2-10 carried two parts; all the rest are published in a single volume. Earlier volumes carried articles in both Chinese and English, but in recent years there have been fewer English language contributions.
(Directory entry)
Email Address:
Editor/Consultant: Chan Hok-lam
Country: China
Type: Academic journal
Description: The Journal of Chinese Studies is managed by an editorial board headed by a chairman who serves as chief editor and assisted by an associate editor. Past chairmen included Professor Ch'uan Han-sheng (1968-78) and Professor D.C. Lau (1979-94). The current chairman and associate editor are Professor Chan Hok-lam and Dr. Chu Kwok-fan. They are appointed by the Director of the Institute of Chinese Studies. The Journal was founded in September 1968 under the name of The Journal of the Institute of Chinese Studies of The Chinese University of Hong Kong; 22 volumes had been published under this title. It was superseded by the current title, in 1992, and the inaugural issue was designated the commemorative volume of the twenty-fifth anniversary of the Institute. Volumes 2-10 carried two parts; all the rest are published in a single volume. Earlier volumes carried articles in both Chinese and English, but in recent years there have been fewer English language contributions.
(Directory entry)