Intense Suspense Short Story Contest

26 June 2010
Intense Suspense Short Story Contest
Deadline: September 15, 2010 (Midnight, PT)

Something's wrong.

And if it isn't righted soon, it will most definitely cause the death of your protagonist.

The only source of help is a cell phone that, for some reason, becomes useless.* Despite the high-tech times we live in, your protagonist is a lone, sitting duck.

You have up to 1,500 words to resolve this nightmare. And that's just enough space to show off your knack for building suspense. The end's in sight. The clock is ticking. How does your protagonist get out of this alive?

Grand Prize: $100
Story published in The Verb
Story Opinion, also published in The Verb
Entry Fee: None

Length may be up to 1,500 words. But not a word more. (Your contact information and your title are not included in the word count.) Short stories only. No poetry, essays or plays. Entries must be original and unpublished. Send only your best. Once submissions arrive, no revisions will be accepted.

Open to writers worldwide. (Payment to winners outside the USA are made via PayPal only.) Limited. Only one story per author. The judge for this contest is Elizabeth Guy. Read her bio on the Readers page. Winner will be notified via email October 4, 2010. The winning story will be published in the October 2010 (Halloween) issue of The Verb. Only the winning entry receives a free Opinion. Read previous contest Opinions. Remaining entrants may order an Opinion after the results have been announced.

More information here.
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