We are now taking submissions for fiction, poetry, and fine art for its fall 2010 launch in print format and online edition under our new upcoming website growingstrange.com.
Our aim is to publish in print four times a year, the online edition could be more frequent depending on the amount of submissions received.
Short fiction: 2000 words max, 500 minimum.
All genres are welcome, entertain us, seriously. If you have a novel excerpt please state as much and try to set is as a stand alone story, we do not serialize.
Poetry: 5 poems per submission, each poem shouldn’t be more than 3 pages each.
We’re very picky with poetry; please send only what you think is your best work.
We have an interest in non-fiction but what we are looking for is something of cultural relevance (like what Rolling Stone used to be 20 years ago) and not just a rant (what blogs are for). The word count will remain the same as for fiction.
Photography: 5 photos per submission, for our print edition we’re only taking black and white, please send all photos as such; we will not convert your photos for you.
Color photos will be accepted only for our online edition.
Fine art: 5 drawings per submission. Again black and white is preferable, all color work will be considered for the online edition.
With the exception of visual art submissions, we do not accept file attachments unless we ask you specifically. All submissions should be sent in the body of your submission.
E-mail to growingstrange@gmail.com.
Our deadline for issue 1 is August 30th, 2010.
In the subject line please write your name and title of the piece.
More information here.